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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. Every time Ivanka is in a room with Trudeau, she can't keep her eyes off him. I'm sure when she gets to a private location, those panties drop. 😜
  2. You still haven't provided proof about democratic cheating.
  3. Show me proof of democrat cheating. Stop being a fucking blowhard and start citing sources. Damn dude.
  4. Trump's latest harebrained scheme to cheat his way to victory fails — but don't relax yet | Salon.com WWW.SALON.COM Bill Barr's ludicrous "Unmasking" probe falls flat, but that doesn't mean Republicans are done
  5. We all now who's doing the fucking cheating: Read time: 2 minutes Comments QAnon Lovin' Mail Carrier Accused Of Putting Mail In The Trash Sean Troesch is accused of just putting the mail out by the curb. By Ed Scarce This kind of thing has probably happened before, a rogue carrier deciding for one reason or another not to deliver the mail, but with the mental illness of QAnon conspiracy theories, often spewed or egged on the current White House occupant, such stories are becoming more common. Source: KDKA To which Pittsburgh City Paper went into this guy's social media accounts and discovered the QAnon connection, as well as sharing posts by Liz Crokin, another online nutjob, posts that allege that Chrissy Teigen and Patton Oswalt are Satanic Paedophiles, among other foolishness. You can go there for the screenshots.
  6. Hey moron. How do you know anybody's cheating if you're not WATCHING? Trump's gestapo cannot be inside the polling stations hovering over people. Think boy, think.
  7. It is illegal to interfere with voters casting ballots. You can't "poll watch."
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