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Everything posted by mingo

  1. There goes the Kellogg's box.. she's on her second serving from it.. There goes the banana.... There goes the last of the milk!!!
  2. does she climb over the dividing wall (no risk of falling and dying) or does she go over the railing and risks death by doing so? i don't have access to the balcony camera.
  3. I speak Spanish and can't understand much because of the music being too loud to hear them well.. but when the music is off, no problem.
  4. it looked like little green frozen brussel sprouts.. the poor girl, awful to be food driven like this..
  5. Yesterday Zac and Luna had coffee and then took the cream container from the fridge to add some cream to their coffee.. they shook it and it was nearly empty..they looked at each other surprised. I had seen the fridge girl open that container earlier by the fridge door and drink the cream directly from it, (I didn't know what the container was until later when I saw Z&L with it), then after drinking the cream, she took the blue water jug and drank from it as shown in the above picture.. This girl needs help, she obviously has an eating disorder.
  6. the other day he was showing Luna pics of the mountains in Guatemala, maybe that's where he's from.
  7. Fridge Girl is raiding the empty fridge again.. This girl ain't right.
  8. and just before that she had a plate full of pasta..
  9. this guest girl should just pull up a chair and park by the empty fridge. I saw her open the lid on a ketchup-type (maybe mayonnaise) of container and put it straight to her mouth, squeeze some and put it back, then she picked up the blue water jug and drank straight from the tip of the jar.. so disgusting.
  10. Except for the part where Taco humps Nelly's leg. Merci de l'avoir partagé.
  11. To dampen the speculation that M is going to party with them in B4 😆
  12. They have the bluetooth speaker facing the camera in the kitchen, maybe so we can't hear what zac and his guest are saying?
  13. I thought he had written her name on the white board on their fridge, it's been there for over a year.. it says "i love you and her name" and other day he was on the balcony and she called him by his name repeatedly.
  14. Typical latin-america guy.. He eats his food, then wants part of hers, he's done eating, leaves the table and then she finishes eating and has to clear the dishes and put things back in the fridge while he just stands around not helping.
  15. Gina's command of spanish is pretty good.. she's talking to curly about the sugar content
  16. yes, you could see part of the balcony from that camera if the drapes were open.
  17. Martina is in bad shape, she's badly hungover, moaning and holding her head.
  18. Alberto está hablando en español con el calvo de la camisa azul, y puedo seguir su conversación con facilidad, pero cuando habla con Martina en casa, no tanto? Hablan en un dialecto regional o catalán?
  19. If they left the dogs, one of them will have to go back after a few hours to let them out.. this way, they can stay there all night...
  20. That's the problem.. some of them may already be infected and pass it on without symptoms.. until someone else catches and ends up in hospital or worse.
  21. They have nightly curfews in many regions of Spain, this is definitely a no no, with that many people in one place.. that's why where I am, we have been in lockdown for a month and the govt added another month and the cases are going up, not down.. people are gathering in each others' homes and covid continues to spread. I was supposed to be in Spain for all of December and January, but covid travel restrictions had me postpone the trip. I'm take this virus deadly seriously.
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