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Everything posted by neil_r549

  1. Ah, the wrong way round then !! 🙄 Thanks
  2. The only time I've seen all the B4 girls together in the kitchen, so forgive my ignorance; reading posts previously I guess, Buffy is the plaster face one and Danielle is the one sat next to Rada? nana I know and in typical RCL fashion as soon as she started her bate, the thumbs went to fuzzy mode. OK I'm not paying so fair enough. Do I sense a tension amongst these four? Maybe those with greater knowledge will comment on that
  3. a bit late as ever - I don't spend much time on RCL these days, but I liked Miru. Dantez was a bit odd ( and likely still is) but she has a nice way about her. They won't be missed cos they were never that popular. But all the best wherever it may take you, Miru, Dantez and Ugly Dog. Best wishes 🙏
  4. a fine day for the non subscribers. RLC have kindly allowed some free cameras (often there are no frees for the entire day) so today I have enjoyed Holly in the kitchen and Nana in the LR. OT Nelly in the kitchen with Gina, fidling around with some new contraption. Fart man sorted it out. Over in Rome Masha the Mop is prancing around, and I have decided that if her hair was yellowish she could be mistaken for having pasta fusili (twirls ) on her head. Hope thats not being unkind! The frees will most likely end soon, but its been good to wander by.
  5. Holly will do what Holly wants and my guess this move into B1 single room is so she can do her studies. All this gathered from the blurry non subscriber view (and the reason I don't comment much these days) but she will do what she has to do - go to a few parties, a bit of bating etc. But I don't expect fireworks from Holly this time around.
  6. slightly off topic but i've just been to my gym/health centre where in the steam room sat 3 men and one very nice looking girl. Now in the fantasy world of CC members this would lead to a sex orgy, but in fact the 3 blokes including me made damn sure we didn't even glance at the girl never mind talk to her. She sat with legs firmly crossed and looked at her toes. That I'm afraid, my compatriates, is real life.🙄
  7. through bleary thumbs I see The Bear has arrived in B4, well dressed for the occasion! Rada - she really is a hoot, a wonderful girl 🙏🙂
  8. a question I have also asked, one post sugessted I was bonkers for wondering why I took any notice of an emoji. Ok I actually explained my post to the emoji which is a bit nuts. But worry not, you are not alone !!
  9. It was a pity, but maybe not really 'her thing'? I remember her first RLC event, a party in B1, and she came with Pam, her best buddy. Over the evening Carlos dropped his trousers to do a Village People' duo with Ant. Claire spent most of the night trying to get into Radis pants. Viv sat there with an exprression of horror, amusement and ''Pam, WTF have you got me into here?'' It was one of the funnier RLC moments for me !!😁
  10. Farewell Viv - I enjoyed your time in the Villa, and I hope you travel safely. Enjoy Motherhood, and the rest of your life. Maybe RLC was not really suited to you, but you kept going and for that, I applaud you. Best of luck for the future 🧡🙏😀
  11. sorry to se you go Pam , loved you for letting us into your life. Best of luck for the future with no more tricks played on you. safe journey and good life !!!👍🙂
  12. Thanks, - Totally agree, but is good to air our views. Yesterday one poster decided to argue with me about whether Pam delivered her cake to Jordi in hospital or not 🤪 I mean, c'mon !! Cheers. Have a good day /afternoon
  13. yes, i too think people underestimate RLC and their business model. It just ain't very nice at times, but then I'm a sensitive soul 😪
  14. Just rereading the post, and Yes I would say something about a person who was heading towards alcholism. Maybe thats because my brother died an alcholic at 56. Kind of gets to you. Politicains who abuse their power Yes, and human abusers, if I knew about it, definately. If everyone shuts up and says nothing, ie turns a blind eye, we would be in an even sorrier state than we are now. Its not 'ratting out' its caring for people even when you have no idea who they are.
  15. kind of agree .. its not for us watchers to say whats what .. i was using the option of support to voice a concern and I still have that concern. I just don't like to see the downward spiral of any person. But I have shut up and not renewed my sub, so I won't watch. Problem solved!!
  16. Thanks for putting me right folks, last night when Hanna was doing the letters I could have sworn it was ''Shite Party'' 😁
  17. apols, there are a few, just didn't show up on the thumbs. Usual ones are free
  18. not goin to win any prizes is he ?? 😁 OT my sub just ran out and there are NO free cameras !!!
  19. I do similar, and stop my sub for a month or so. Sometimes I come back, depending on what there is to watch. I accept that RLC is a business and it exists to make money.
  20. think u r right - she may have a glass of wine, and she does smoke, which is odd given her health regime. !
  21. Just a note on corbo post, ''RLC lets the participants do whatever they want'', I raised concerns with RLC management re Gina back in March when she was in B4. I asked did they not have a duty of care for their employees because if Gina carried on as she was, she would end up in hospital. They thanked me for my concern but said they would not interfere with tenants lives. I took that as ''mind your own business''
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