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Everything posted by neil_r549

  1. have come back to see whats what after the strange/disturbing events of last night. Gina is on her bed alone, and earlier had her breaky out on the terrace, on her own. Much could be made of that. I left at midnight to the comfy sight of Adrian Holly and Megan going through a massage routine. Somehow I prefer that to seeing - and hearing - a girl farting in a mans face - I guess at his request. it was clear that Gina (maybe not him as much) was high on drugs which one punter suggested was normal for her.
  2. Getting late so I'll have to to call it a night, but I'll be interested to see what develops tommorrow.
  3. Re your second para ''these two have total control'' I saw little control tonight and that apart, there is the open use of drugs on camera. Not for me I'm afraid, but it can be spun anyway you want.
  4. I think Ill leave the Gina farting page and go find something a little more 'normal'
  5. Guess so - can't argue with his stamina and technique - but can Gina survive the sex, drugs, rock and roll. I have my doubts
  6. really don't know - the guy who stayed with Zac and Luna was quite fierce with slaps on her tits as well. all a bit bdsm for me!!
  7. ..and so to Curly fucks Gina Part 3 - inluding th Venezuelan face slaps (also used by Zac and the guest at Zac and Lunsa). Another poster asked what this was all about .. I'm also a bit bemused
  8. Sorry, IMO is In My Opinion - and some say In My Humble Opinion which I think is too much
  9. It was from cam 3 alongside the bed - full on - prob won't be on replay but it should be
  10. If that is the case its quite a statement - the chairs are still there and eiither Holly or Meg would have to sit next to him
  11. Think I'll dip out of this discussion as I'll be accused of being a jealous Curly hater 😞
  12. At least he doesn't dump it on the floor like Mr Zac did....anyway Gina often takes a full mouthfull and swills it down with some water....my kinda girl!!!👍
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