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Everything posted by neil_r549

  1. Looks to me like some bad news - not an argument. Speculate on something to do with the job, or work permits maybe?
  2. Its 1.12am local and meg has had a fair few glasses of wine, strawberries, massage by Alek and now she is arranging fried oinion rings on a plate, and of course with kitchen towel laid on top to soak up the grease. So meticulous - didn't get my strawberries in the pussy dammit, but maybe still time?? 🙏
  3. I have put this issue to RLC 'Support' and they say they have passed my email on to management. I have not gone gung hoand been careful not to make unfounded allegations re drugs (but have suggested there is drug use there) as I would like but asked why an unregistered person is using one of their properties. It will be interesting to see what they say but I think we all know that if the FS/Gina sex can be seen by unsubcribers as thumbnails, it may entice them to subscribe, so more money for RLC if he stays and shags Gina on a regular basis. Which he will do of course.
  4. ....Or not! Nelly given him the heave ho and he's back in the LR on the laptop. Where is everyone? - no Holly, Alek, Gina - Megs on her bed yakking. This could go down as a very boring day🤨
  5. Ah thanks for that - whilst he's something of a pig I wouldn't want to get the wrong side of Gina either. You must be a similar vintage to me, just give peace a cahnce eh? 🤘
  6. But on second look and listen I think he says ''C'mon dear, just one fart before I go''
  7. Going back a few hours and posts, I had a quick visit to B5 cos the threesome looked 'interesting' on the thumbs. Well, it wasn't and as ever utterly boring.
  8. They had a bit of a tiff before he left earlier. Much hand waving but don't know what was said. Sure he will be back for B&B etc.
  9. ...and then he brings out 3 or 4 unwrapped cosmetics or the like (perfumes etc) from his backpack and gives them to Gina...wonder where they came from?...just sayin
  10. They did not do anal, just a few fingers in the ass, but Cesar blew air with his mouth in Gina's ass, and then get farted in his face,
  11. He was sticking a few fingers in - only a matter of time before he goes full anal
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