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Everything posted by neil_r549

  1. i stand corrected! 🙃 my info came from a spanish news source
  2. Dipped out last week so back in the cheap seats. Lookin at this party through bleary thumbnails makes me think I made the right decision! 😴 ...... all looks very familiar
  3. Thanks for this as well - it explains a lot. I never saw the note but only read about it. I do wonder why people carry such anger but thats probably due to my dislike of social media in general. Back in the day we older folk had an idea that it would be great if everyone could express their opinions openly and we would all live in harmony ever after. Hmmm ....Now, this utopian ideal means there are platforms for the cruelest and nastiest people to say what they want,as hidden cowards The keyboard warriors as they say. Good for Kitty for taking them on!
  4. Ah, thanks. Maybe just a bit flaky then?! Is the 'no sex in the LR' just Kittys new rule, perhaps something to do with the dog? I remember they used to do all sorts on the sofa. She also seems to spend more time cooking and baking these days. Maybe my imagination but Smith seems to be even more 'under the thumb' than ever. Must have the patience of a saint😐
  5. When I first started looking at RLC Kitty and Smith were often active in the LR and there was good entertainment, even though brief due to Smith and his lack of control 😁. But perhaps someone can help me here: Not sure how long ago it was but maybe a month or so, Kitty went ballistic in the kitchen. She was screaming, in tears and kept pointing to her phone. Smith was his usual unresponsive self. That seemed to be a turning point and they have not done anything in the LR since, just in the bedroom with the lights out. What happened? Was this the 'hate' messages people talk about. I'm intrigued, partly beacause they have become the most boring couple sitting on the couch fiddling with phones and watching TV
  6. are my eyes deceiving me or is she stroking the dogs bollocks?🤨
  7. She was doing that last night and he kept pushing her hand away - then he had a bath and went to bed. Make of it what you will!!
  8. Kind of agree on this - I have always liked 'people watching' - happy in an airport to sit a observe the lives of others, as I do here. But social media has changed the game and there are those who feel its OK to intrude a bit further than just watching - as you say RLC is a job but there must be barriers and boundries which should be observed by visitors to RLC. I suppose if one of the RLC characters doesn't mind responding, thats up to them. Personally I hate social medie - all of it, and don't have any accounts. This is as close as I get to interaction with 'those out there'.
  9. Coming back to this thread, It does look like Dantez is going to spend most of his time in front of his computer, which is really a waste of a couples apartment
  10. But FG did provide us with endless opportunity for discussions and theories. I am still in awe at a girl who can demolish a box of cereal, plus biscuits and other stuff while dressed in hat and coat!! Incredible 😃
  11. Have to say Holly is pretty good with the glowing balls - she can twirl mine around anytime 😜 !! Dream on 😞
  12. Yeh but she would drive you mad - I couldn't live with a woman who is so narky!
  13. well said - I've spent an hour or so watching Gina clean the Villa!!
  14. Gins cleaning the bathroom now and not a corner is untouched - the place will be spotless by tonight!!
  15. Jealousy. Not so (for me anyway - too old to be jealous!) It wouldn't matter if he was there on his own and not with one of the girls. In any circumstance he's an obnoxious person - I don't like people who use others - and if you had read one of my previous posts it has a lot to do with his take, take, take attitude.
  16. Gina was cleaning the kitchen like fury. Had to turn the sound down cos of the dishes being chucked around. Think she is pissed off with someone - any guesses who. Hint: name begins with C and he's a twat.😅
  17. Sounds to me like a very plausable idea - At the end of the day RLC is a business and no business suceeds standing still. (despite the moans about money grabbing etc - its a business and they are there to make money. Simple) I'm not a long standing viewer and have dipped in and out over the years, but Leora, Nelly/Bogdan and Masha have been the consistent crew. As you say - discuss - thanks for the thoughts 😃
  18. strange lookin cat!!! Looks like one of those ugly dogs to me🐕
  19. True but there was also FG and the other guests - thats a lot of people in a short time. Aren't Zac and Curly mates?
  20. Yes, a taker, a sponger - all apply. Has anyone ever seen him bring a bottle? No class
  21. Thats the thing about curly - he isn't even one of the cast. He arrives, shags Gina, eats their food, uses the fitness room and then fucks off again. As said, feet under the table. I don't like him either😬
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