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Posts posted by Kenpaul

  1. 12 minutes ago, Howard said:

    Tibor's sex drive can be off the charts.  But look at Linda! She can make a gay man 'straight'.

    One thing I like about Tibor is, he makes sure Linda cums.Through fucking or eating her out, he wants her to orgasm. If you are able to watch old clips, reallifecam.xyz or reallifecam club, Alberto would really attend to Martina. It doesn't seem like that anymore. Plus the language barrier doesn't help.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Howard said:

    Someone mentioned we're playing the 'speculation' game.

    I'd rather say many of us are observing the makings of a train wreck.  It's obvious he only pays attention to her (95% of the time) at his convenience.  He's home all day (I don't think he works). He could play the games when she's out of the house (not when she's asleep).

    On the flip side, she wants to live life. Her eyes and mind (and heart) found new things to experience.  I'm 98% certain this wouldn't be the situation for a 25 year old if she had a typical teen-age childhood.  I applaud her for new experiences and I condemn him for being oblivious to the deep rooted reasons why she wants more out of life.

    Paragraph two is a home run. Paragraph  three: It probably  doesn't  help that  at this  stage  in their respective  lives her sex drive/needs/desires are lot stronger than his. He is no Tibor  that's for sure.

    Great  insight. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Howard said:

    I think Martina loves Alberto.  With that out of the way...

    Over the past several months, I think Martina has exposed herself to new things - one being Nelly and their affection for the other, the other being hanging around a bunch of girls her age (aka a slumber party).

    We don't know Martina's upbringing.  My hunch is it was somewhat unsupervised (that's often one foundation for girls who will parade naked in front of strangers).  I think her new social group & Nelly as a bang buddy has opened her eyes that there is more to life than being exclusive w/ Alberto. 

    My father use to say when someone is curious and care-free, he/she is running on loose threads.  I think the buttons on Martina's clothes are loose and she's not ready to bring out the needle and thread.

    Your second -third paragraph makes me think there is more than a 4/5 year age difference. I've read they met when she was 15. 

    Martina may still be growing socially,while Alberto may be more set in his ways To me, he looks older than 29. More like early to mid 30s.

    Good observation.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    Martina used to smoke less. Mostly what I call ritualised smoking -after lunch, after supper. At the moment, however, she obviously feels under pressure and smokes more than ever. Corona, her studies and her relationship with Nelly evidently affect her life enormously. Whereas Bogdan and Nelly can't hide their feelings and discuss the situation seriously, Martina and Alberto try hard to convey the impression of normality. They have never been more tender and caring than recently. Yet, to me all this appears to be a facade. Alberto' s growing tenderness results from his fear that he might possibly lose Martina. Thus he is willing to accept M's behaviour. Martina's permanent kissing and caressing, however, comes from her bad conscience, her feelings of guilt.

    I think, perhaps it's just wishful thinking, that Martina will eventually overcome the phase of blind love, will see Nelly less romantically, will recognize that Nelly is on her way to becoming an alcoholic, will finally realize that the four of them won't be able to cope with this situation successfully. "Amour fou" as the French call it always fails in the long run. 






















    I've noticed that, after the Nelly episode(s), she  picked up her smoking. Covid is a wild card for all of us agreed, does anyone know what she is studying, insert Nelly joke? 

    I've read she is 24, believable, and he is 29. He is either an old looking 29 or he is really in his thirties.

    I know that Martina likes sex,both "teams" will do, but my favorite is Carla. She seemed to just not sexual but always horny.

    Your information is invaluable to me. Have a good weekend!



  5. 34 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    There is in deed a big window as wide as the couch and it is curtained (as you presumed). Sometimes, when Martina is in the nude, right after having had sex, and feels like smoking but doesn't want to put on clothes she kneels on the sofa, pushes the window a bit open to puff her coffin nails. Anyway, the cameras 1,2 and 3 offer wonderful perspectives then. I love this girl, although (as you may have noticed) I can't stand her smoking.


    34 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    There is in deed a big window as wide as the couch and it is curtained (as you presumed). Sometimes, when Martina is in the nude, right after having had sex, and feels like smoking but doesn't want to put on clothes she kneels on the sofa, pushes the window a bit open to puff her coffin nails. Anyway, the cameras 1,2 and 3 offer wonderful perspectives then. I love this girl, although (as you may have noticed) I can't stand her smoking.

    Ok, thanks for the explanation. From the reallifecam.xyz clip it looked like they had rearranged the furniture like, my Mon did when I was a kid. Agree on the cigs. Has she always smoked? I know they were younger,but watching the older clips they used to sexually experiment. Not so much anymore. 

    You are the information king!

    Unlike others. I find it hard to watch M&N. If my ex was fucking a woman,much less a man, I would not be happy. I guess with Alberto, to each his own.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    The only thing that was changed was the position of camera 1. Originally it had been fixed right above the water tank, which, of course,hadn‘t been there then. But you are right, everything looks very different then. 

    Maybe you can help me out then. I watched a clip on: reallifecam.xyz There is a window right there next to the couch. It doesn't appear that there is any natural light now at the couch. Maybe they have heavy curtained it out. 

    Thanks for expertise!


  7. 1 minute ago, JenniferMom said:

    No sorry I don’t and I agree it has gone down hill.  I remember the classic big names like Belushi, Ackroyd, Chevy Chase, Jane Curtain, Will Ferrell, Eddie Murphy ... but those folks are no longer there of course.  Today the only one I like is Kate McKinnon ... she’s hilarious.

    I remember when they first started, Dan Ackroyd said they tried to stay away from the obvious. Now it seems, from what I hear, it's a lot of political satire. Not whole lot of comedic innovation.

  8. 59 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

    he is right this is their only apartment and i have been here 7 years,but you can go look at the archived apartments for proof if you like 

    I stand corrected. The couch,looks like it was over by the windows where the fish tank and table are now. Because the couch had  the window right there. Plus, they either had a different table then, or a table cloth with a lot of words on it. The camera angle looks like it was where the couch is now shooting to that corner action the room.

    Thanks for your help!

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  9. 2 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I know this is an eclectic global village here, but in US on Saturday Night Live, they used to have a series of skits entitled “The Man Who Would Rather Play Video Games Than Have Sex”.

    This here is not a skit.

    Do you remember the cast? I quit watching in the early 90s. The quality seemed to go down hill.


  10. 3 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Someone suggested earlier that Martina and Alberto made an agreement:  No lesbian sex in exchange for no video games.  I thought this comment was made in jest ... but lo and behold it’s like 48 hours and counting and so far we have seen neither!

    This is starting to make me think I want to see Alberto get out the Xbox.

    You may have a solid point. There were times, he was so rapped up, in his games, she was almost begging for attention. I saw her rub her groin and breasts on him, while he was playing, and she got no reaction from him. Then she would go to bed, and he slept on the couch.

    Good observation!

    • Sad 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Noldus said:

    Martina and Alberto - home activities #10

    I've been following RLC since August. I've seen older clips of A.&M. in their old apartment. They looked a lot younger and their relationship was a lot fresher. Their sexual experimenting was a lot more active. 

    My main question is how have A.&M. changed since the older days? I'm well aware that Covid is huge factor.

    Thanks for your insights.


  12. 5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    And they'll grow apart in all aspects as well.   Bogdan and Alberto will begin to start dropping the soap.  

    Shower Soap GIF

    There is a lot, of what ddhm says, that I agree with. A big part, of my problem,  is the language barrier. As ddhm says, they have their own method of communication. My problem is I don't know what they are saying, so unfortunately I jump to too many conclusions based solely on sight. About an hour ago A. was lying on the couch talking to M. It was a lively discussion and both were laughing. Again who knows what they were talking about? Not I.

    Ddhm  were you here when A. & M. lived at the old apartment? I know they were a lot more experimental. Weren't we all in early days of a relationship!

    Ddhm thanks for your insight. It's appreciated.




    • Haha 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    OK Alberto ... chocolates are a nice opening move ... but this won't get your beautiful Martina turned on like Nelly does.  You are going to have to do better my friend.

    True, when was the last we've seen him do anything positive for her, since we don't speak the language, we don't know how romantic he is.

    Good observation!

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