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Posts posted by Kenpaul

  1. 😁😁😀😁😀😁😀☝️😀☝️😀☝️😀☝️😀

    Thanks for the insight. Someone could use the word John or Mary, but with 99%  not speaking the language, the names could go right by us. 

    Arse and bloody, I can tell you're not American. Arse  never used, bloody only if you're injured. Haha

    Ignore emojis at top, I was having problems. 

    Thanks again!

  2. 34 minutes ago, vanillajohn said:

    Noise complaints from the neighbours (justified). It started with C&Y, then continued with L&Z. L&Z didn't care and eventually the neighbours had enough. After L&Z got kicked out, RLC decided to pull the plug on that place.

    I miss Carla. I know the girls like sex, but I always thought Carla, not only sexual, was very horny.  I saw take off her panties in the kitchen, walk up to Yani and put her pussy into his face. I haven't seen any girl do anything like that at RLC.

    Thanks for the information!


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  3. 28 minutes ago, neil_r549 said:

    I always get the feeling she nearly gets ther but not quite with Alberto. But they did have a laugh about him cumming on her stomach - something he does'nt normally do. Despite evrything thats gone on I don't see these two splitting up. Maybe just a bit if extra curricula with The Nell will work

    Taking a tip from Tibor. 😀😀 Did you notice after his shower, they were done in under 1/2 hour? Alberto cums he's done, no attempt to prolong it. No wonder Nelly looks so good with their prolonged sessions. I know men and women are different, but he can do better.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Howard said:

    Alberto did not help her bate.  If anything, she didn't want his help.  He stood there with dick in hand while she bated/grinded one out for 10 minutes.   It wasn't until AFTER she satisfied herself, she is now giving him an obligatory blow.

    Dollars to doughnuts (as grandpa would say), I bet she was thinking of Nelly during her bate.

    How many times have we seen Martina look unsatisfied after fuckIng Alberto. He rarely helps her cum. Maybe she's learning sexuall satisfaction from Nelly. As to, if I don't do it he won't. I know there are plenty Martina bate clips. She's just making sure.

    I wonder if Martina passes any Nelly tips onto Alberto as to what she would like done to her?

  5. 30 minutes ago, mingo said:

    Carlos is "Curly", Gina's boyfriend. I don't know who Fermin is but it's not Bogdan. She said his name a few times when "Nelly" was visiting. 

    Thanks! I don't know if you're American or not, but about 25-30 years ago there was a baseball player, Felix Fermin,from Latin America. Probably, a fairly Spanish name.

  6. 7 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Linda / Tibor , amazing couple .. fantastic .. funny and going still strong after so many years on cameras , they even got married last summer .. the secret is in my opinion that they simply seem not caring at all for the cameras , they seem to live without even spotting their presence  anymore .. Linda has increased heavily her tattoos the last 2 years , early photos of her , thinner and less tattoos , pfff, model 😇


    About USA , no offense taken , I think you reacted too late when the damage had already been done .. plus , I think you are victims of your own ( politics ) facing the problem situation .. I feel like you thought that this won’t “ touch “ you , I think you transmitted a “ superiority “ ( for the rest of the world , whenever USA acts like this - superiority complex - we get mad here in Europe ) and you believed that you would be escaping with only “ acceptable “ casualties .. it is of no surprise that when things  aren’t taken serious from the beginning , the results can be devastating ( as it proves till now ) 😔


    I apologize for my comment , but I am like Gina 😂🤣 Always calling the things completely  as I see it , without hesitating  with my opinion , no matter  how cruel it might sound . But honesty and authenticity , it is for me always the way for strong and genuine talks , relations and so on ☺️😇 



    I've seen older clips of L&T. You're correct; she did have a different body look.

    I like the fact they have a workout routine.

    Don't believe the US Covid casualty figures. For some reason there is a financial incentive to report Covid deaths. Example: Larry King, a celebrity here, died head lines said Covid. His family put out a retraction, saying he died of something else. Both parties are guilty of overlooking Covid. A year ago politicians, from both sides, were saying don't worry. Be judicious in your news coverage from US.

    Had my first attack fine. Not so fine, attacked but no facts to back it up. Just name calling. I'm sure you've been attacked before.

    At one, their time, Alberto was staring at a piece of paper, he did not look happy. Martina did not appear to be home. What was on the paper I wonder.

    Have a good day!


  7. 7 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    In Europe we have a better coordination .. but we still have chaos .. Greece is doing well according to population and medical services .. but , we are in lockdown since November the 7th ... it is exhausting .. 

    I think for M&N , it has gone to a level that they didn’t see it coming and it starts becoming dangerous for their men .. so much to lose , usually these things become clear when we lose the ones we love .. only then we understand the mistake 😔 on another note though , maybe even their men didn’t  take it as serious as it could evolve , trusting the love and caring they have for one another .. 


    It is a strange situation , this is the only truth , for me this today kissing  the lover when the husband has given you space to enjoy a girls night , i don’t know , I am an open minded person I believe but even me with that , it would break me emotionally .. it simply isn’t moral ( and I am always saying  that there’s no morality  for these people when they are in a site like RLC ) .. 


    Both men reaction , as a man observing , it will be a life lesson at least for me .. 



    In the US, it's as though we have 50 countries. The president can only suggest, but it's up to each governor to set the restrictions.

    Your second paragraph is spot on. It's like a run away train. None of the four were prepared for the intensity.

    To be candid, I really would be a big fan of Linda and Tibor. My problem is Linda's tatoos . Not a fan. They put on a great show in the living room around 7-8 their time. I like the stability of those two, and not the seeming "chaos" of the other 4,A&M, N&B.



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  8. 32 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    She simply lives her life the way she should according to her age.. the paradox is / was ( ? ) that she is in such a long time relation since her teenager years .. she is discovering a side of her character that i am sure she knew it is there but somehow , it was never triggered .


    The time finally came and she just started becoming a girl of 24-25 , new friendships , top sexuality and desires / pleasures , simple appetite for life with all the craziness that comes with it .. it happens in front of our eyes and it is a blessing that she is sharing it with us .. 


    About Alberto ? Long talk and let’s wait how it goes the more that she is absorbed in the “ cameras world “ and the Russians 😇 

    I prefer this Martina , she is herself .. even though I know that most won’t agree with me .. but i was recently where she is , it’s only 3-5 years that I seem to calm down with the craziness myself and I know how tempting this life is ( and I was single while living and not in a relation like she is ... ) .. i can’t wait till life goes back to normal and her full potential blossoms ☺️😎

    Some of this reminds me of my ex-wife and I. Know matter what we did the day before,  we couldn't wait until tomorrow. Just like Nelly and Martina, long session yesterday, back at at it today.

    I've read some speculate a five year difference in age. To my eyes, he looks older than 29-30. Plus, it seems we have an extrovert (M) and an introvert (A),and it's playing itself out. 

    Also, some have speculated what happens when Nelly's visa expires? I'm sure both are aware if this.

    You are correct: Covid has changed every thing. I'm in the US and for the most part we don't have the same restrictions as Spain. Some states are strict , but most are easing up. 

    I still can't tell if Alberto is taking this well, or will there be a flash point?

    Take care. Your insights are illuminating.

  9. 39 minutes ago, scoutouyoufe said:


    J'ai vu Alberto et Martina cette après-midi les deux avaient l'air bien Alberto n'a pas l'air inquiet il lui a toucher les fesse au passage.

    Je pense qu'il ne prend pas au sérieux la relation entre ses deux femmes il pense peut-être que Martina lui et acquis parce qu'ils sont en couple depuis longtemps et a une confiance aveugle 

    Il croit que Martina ne le quittera pas pourtant il devrait se méfier elle parle déjà à sa famille de Nelly et annoncera certainement au passage son coming out Alberto sera comme un con si cela arrive.



    I saw Alberto and Martina this afternoon both looked good Alberto didn't look worried he touched his buttocks in the process.

    I think he doesn't take the relationship between his two wives seriously he thinks maybe Martina has acquired him because they have been in a relationship for a long time and has blind trust

    He believes that Martina will not leave him yet he should be wary she already talks to his family about Nelly and will certainly announce his coming out Alberto will be like an idiot if that happens.

    I know Alberto is a big boy, but the current visual of him sitting in his camo robe holding Taco is sad to see.

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  10. Just now, Chicago515 said:

    We just missed them having sex on the couch.  So when you see her walking around in her pink underwear I don't think it it going to lead to anything later.

    I caught the last few minutes. It was excellent. Went from couch, to kitchen ,back to couch. He came on her chest.

    What a contrast how Tibor takes care of Linda after they're done compared to Alberto. Night and day. Tibor  makes sure Linda cums.  Alberto not so much.

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  11. 32 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I don’t think that sex was predetermined , Nelly was paying Martina a visit but they both didn’t manage to handle their lust and they went for it . I will , personally , always take care a bit more of the apartment’s cleaning if I am about to have guests . 

    You make a good point. Martina was gone, probably to buy the wine, when Alberto cleaned the apartment. If it's her guest, I can't figure out why he was cleaning not she. Unfortunately for us, we can't understand M&A conversations to know what they agree upon.

    I like talking to you. You make interesting and intelligent points.

    Take care.



  12. 9 hours ago, Lurkker said:

    So I guess in 10 years he can drop her for a younger model when she is less attractive?  What agreement do you think N&B made?  Can he drop her for a younger model now cause I think he can do a hell of a lot better.

    The pact I was referring to is between Martina and Alberto. I shouldn't have used wife.  Alberto was deep cleaning the living room for over an hour so Martina could have a fuck date with Nelly. Is Alberto doing this out of deep love for Martina, or if he keeps her happy, he can have access to unlimited sex and companionship with a beautiful woman? Who knows?

    I find the alcohol one strange.  When Martina & Nelly fuck, they do so after consuming large amounts of alcohol. They fuck their men without it. Does the alcohol help ease any guilt? Again who knows?

    Martina and Nelly had two smoke breaks yesterday. Is it just tobacco that Martina rolls? Does anyone know?

    Thanks for replying with your insight.

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  13. Two things I noticed about today: 1) Just like the villa, M&N drink a large amount of alcohol before they fuck. With their men, they just fuck. Psychologits would have a field day with this. 2) I tuned at 1:00 their time,and A.  was deep cleaning the livingroom. He had furniture moved and was using a mop etc. I don't when he started or finished. So, A. leaves the apartment for 4 or 5 hours so his wife could fuck a woman. I'm thinking what kind of agreement have they made. I.E. I'll look the other way so I can fuck this beautiful woman and have her companionship? To me, its baffling.

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  14. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    Martina has shown that she likes her sex with Alberto , no complains . She hasn’t been seen for example asking for things different than their routine or seducing him in things that could make her show that she is need of more . I think she is satisfied with anything that Alberto provides her and Nelly is for her the hidden desire , the person that she can explode so much if her side that we all seem to ignore and have no idea while on cameras. Martina’s actions  will always be for me kind of exploring her wild personality , it just happened with Nelly that she seems to like her very much . 

    She showed already that she wanted to go and taste this on camera experience while at her first villa visit and the jacuzzi shower with the girls and her kissing with Megan ( when we all said , me for sure , that she was impressed from Holly and we were all saying that she wanted her ) . 


    I agree with you. I've gone back and watched pre Nelly clips,even at their old apartment, it was different. I know people change, but A seemed a lot more attentive years ago than he does now. You're right I've never seen them turn down each others sexual advances. He just doesn't seem to help her finish now.

  15. 14 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    You are right that Martina wants this slightly bit more than Nelly , maybe also as I said due to their relations to their respective men . 

    The men are out of cameras as far as i am concerned at the moment , it would have been great preparing a BBQ party in the villa for the girls there and their women going at it as we are watching 😂🤣😂🤣

    You're right about respective men. A. is more of a wham, bam, thank you man. When have we ever seen him cuddle with her after sex? Sometimes he helps her clean up cum sometimes not. Usually he gets dressed and does something else, while she just lies there.

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