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Everything posted by Kenpaul

  1. Named after a Monkee's song then!😀
  2. 10cc, one cc more than the average man's ejaculation. Clever name. Brings meaning to "I'm not in Love."
  3. When Martina's away, and Alberto is out of the apartment, for awhile, no one speculates with whom he may be sleeping with. You know Tom catting around.
  4. FYI: Song written and performed on an early album by Bruce Springsteen.
  5. Non-Americans don't realize how large the USA is. Germany, for example, is slightly smaller than the state of Montana. People should take into account logistics when moving about the USA. Don't rely on Mercator Maps to base your comments on. They're some Germans, who aren't as sophisticated as they think they are. Good job, SPYING1
  6. As a freebie watcher, not like it used to be, was the fight mutual combat or was one the over the top aggressor? Thanks!
  7. I live in Ohio. I've seen similar behavior. I believe a year from now, these people will still be masking up. True, Biden and Fauci deciples.
  8. Ridge, is your German "friend" able to put together a cogent argument without swearing? Also, what's his obsession with Trump, who hasn't been in power for 13 months? Doesn't make sense.
  9. Plus the Trump tax cuts are still in place to the benefit of businesses. Good argument! Ridge.
  10. Who were the residents right after Carla and Yanai?
  11. There is a VH Club site that lets none payers access older videos. Is there a similar site for RLC?
  12. No problem. I agree with you, about 99% of the time. I enjoy it when you bring in facts against the left's feelings. Keep up the good work!
  13. True, in this case phony is the modifier to hypocrite not Schumer. Just say Schumer is a phony and a hypocrite. He is a D.C. Swamp Creature.
  14. Ridge be careful with the adjectives. A "phony hypocrite" means he's not a hypocrite. Just drop the phony. He is detestable, but be cautious with the verbage.
  15. What a difference a year makes. Last year Martina and Nelly were going at it hot and heavy on the kitchen and pantry floor of the villa. This year 3 people talking, drinking and sometimes smoking at M&A's apartment. Nelly is nowhere to be seen on RLC, unless, as some allege she is defying Bogdan's rule and still seeing Martina. What will 2022 bring for RLC?
  16. So in other words follow the science, when though the scientists/countries can't or won't agree on a standard definition of a Covid death. Why do I smell a combination of power and money? I must be paranoid(Black Sabbau).
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