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    : Who really cares
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    Seeing what you're not meant to see

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  1. I don't want to upset anybody but shall we call a spade a spade and acknowledge reality........RLC and other similar sites are all contrived/staged performances its just some are better than others. They are there to earn money...period. Some have very pretty ladies and some not so. Some have dickhead men and some don't. Not all will be to everyone's taste, but we may well have different tastes when dining out. One man's meat etc etc So let's all chill out and accept we are not all the same.
  2. So they were on holiday and really nobody missed them
  3. You know how to ruin a man's day😕
  4. Has Linda started camming? noticed the LED ringlight and just wondered?
  5. Toto you missed put on makeup. That was the bonus day for us, getting something extra. I have seen more action in public cinemas.
  6. We really scraping the barrel here. Love the photo 20 years younger. Does anybody really subscribe to this site? Even Kamila & Danildo have died off from their early days on here.
  7. They should have gone ages ago, it was actually quite sad to watch the demise of the sexual chemistry. Their relationship looks like a couple of pensioners, we're here, we are alive but not much going on.
  8. If anyone has CB handle please PM me. Happy to make my own judgement on them faking it or not 😄
  9. I think you missed the sarcasm.....I was meaning these two hardly have any sex and so if she is pregnant it must be somebody new. It appears she may be having a 24 month gestation? I love it when some posters say all is good with them, they are happy etc etc. well bullshit ...Tibor is now sleeping on the floor in the lounge. As I have posted before Linda is hot and has been great however they are now past their 'use by date' so lets move on and replace them and remember them for the good times not this crap they are serving up.
  10. I posted back in November 2021 Not sure where I should be posting this but there is no section titled Lack of Home Activity.......so here goes If this couple were a race horse you would by now have put it out to pasture. If they were your dog you would have put it down or shot it. Linda has been one of my favorites until of late and I really don't know what's going on ...so please, please can somebody put them out of their misery, they deserve to be remembered for how they were not for how they are now. I had a few comments of me being harsh, not understanding their situation or whatever, or perhaps pregnant [Linda that is] So for one minutes let's forget the expectations of subscribers or lurkers. Can anyone, hand on heart, tell me that they appear to be enjoying their time on RLC at the moment.
  11. I'm sorry I am unable to complete the second poll because I don't understand what it is asking. Could you perhaps add an option o I don't understand the question. I can then click this and complete the poll. Thanks you very much
  12. I said some months ago they need to be put out to pasture, gone, has been. We were told back in July 2021 Linda is pregnant, explains the lack sex, conversation, masturbation, TV porn, etc etc Well no shit Sherlock here we are June 2022...........still pregnant? doubt it! miscarriage ? seems unlikely! totally no longer on the same page? yep that looks like it! We lose Ulyana, Eva and now Kylie but not to worry Linda will.............will what? for fucks sake she's doing fuck all and Tibor ....well he's Tibor or Tea Bore. I just don't get it.......we have good quality participants we dump and then still stick with L&T. Don't get me wrong.......love her body to bits but we are after all in a consumer market!
  13. Not sure where I should be posting this but there is no section titled Lack of Home Activity.......so here goes If this couple were a race horse you would by now have put it out to pasture. If they were your dog you would have put it down or shot it. Linda has been one of my favorites until of late and I really don't know what's going on ...so please, please can somebody put them out of their misery, they deserve to be remembered for how they were not for how they are now.
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