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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Don't know if your response is sarcasm, but unfortunately neither knows what love is or how to love. Alberto and Martina are good friends and roommates only.
  2. I don’t believe anyone that reads this forum has lost sight of the fact Martina is bi-sexual. But what some may not know is as a bi-sexual you could lean toward being lesbian and leaving the whole male involvement behind. However, in life and my opinion, being bi is the hardest personal choice lifestyle to understand as opposed to being lesbian or gay. Alberto cannot stop or discourage Martina’s choice. It is her choice, and stubborn as she may or may not be, no one can intervene, tell her what to do, yet. How do you know he (Alberto) is not okay with her fucking another guy or that she has not been her fucking another guy, gay or not? I recall in earlier conversation (the ni-ni conversation) between Alberto and Martina where he mentions she was out there fucking everybody. I hope the situation changes; Alberto and Martina can agree to remain roommates, continue to use RLC for funding, she completes school, they do more together as friends, Martina is civil to Alberto and he starts his education; of course all without any sexual on camera encounters (I understand other RLC participants do it). Although, as I have already mentioned Martina's outside influences may seem to want to own her and that may come with not living with Alberto even as listed as a roommate.
  3. Excellent! Aristotle, Hippocrates could not have said it better! I agree, “one of the best couples” I‘ve viewed (for my short tenure). I understand and hope they may have taken my repeated advice and taken leave of having sexual encounters on camera! For Martina , hoping the past does not hamper her future life for success. Although Martina continues to spend more time with her off camera partner, new and old friends, she seems to be suppressing her sexual desire on camera, keeping it at bay and also no longer having it with her longtime roommate. The time for separation is and has been forthcoming as Martina’s in my humble opinion is confused with life but has the support of her family and roommate. Does anyone know how her father is doing? I hope well. RLC has served its purpose for the time and has assisted Alberto and Martina. Unlike others, we have viewed the rough times to the more comfortable times (current). I believe she is being advised by some of the wrong individuals in her life (her choice) that view her only for pleasure and not as the extremely intelligent, lovely, and loving individual she can be and is. She may be taking the wrong advice by some, except by the one person that “loves her most” and wants the best her. @ddhm, I believe you may be correct with your mention that Alberto will struggle to find the right companion. I believe he is different, very easy-going, stable and will do well financially and if it comes to it, be a good parent. While Martina may have more downs than ups in the life after RLC. Because of Martina's personal needs (everyone has them), choices, and unwavering moral; she may fall a few times with her adventures, a few new guys and girls she meets, only because they may not relatively understand and see life as she does. Just hope it does not bring her to a mild depression. Yet who knows, the current lifestyle it may have brough her to that point already and she has not yet realized her current ups and downs- mental state. Martina may have had some very hard life lessons (harder than most) with her maturation, but I hope she will overcome any future hard knocks, and hopefully not alone. Everyone needs someone (Alberto for her). Above all she should not ignore her physical medical needs (see a Doc from time to time). And as for her uncontrollable preferred lifestyle; she may inherit the morals of those around her (not all bad), and not climb to the success she has been working so very hard to achieve. Martina will leave RLC, but I believe she will be back without Alberto and at that time I will gladly pay to subscribe and to see how she is doing.
  4. I too am happy for them. Just what I had envisioned. Martina has controlled Alberto to the point where he, as well as you subscribers, are waiting, anticipating the next big sexual adventure. Those days could be over possibly on camera in this apartment. Unfortunately, I believe what you lucky subscribers following this happy couple, Martina and Alberto, will only watch is Martina receiving a salary (your money) to use the RLC apartment as her second home, her study location, if that, and daytime resting place. And for Alberto (poor guy) it is to watch him go to work, smoke, sleep, cook and clean; do they still watch the Simpson’s. I am surprised she and Taco have not moved in with one of her many good friends, her new girlfriend, living rent free from place to place or perhaps that will happen soon, after the trip. I assume most of the subscribers watch this apartment due to Martina’s open floor plan, she is so intelligent; she couldn’t just live as a bi-sexual outside the apartment and continue to perform with her roommate inside the apartment. But she seems to have decided (no one can tell her what to do) to be like so many others I use to see on RLC, live rent free, and receive a salary for doing “nothing”. It is the life and times of a normal happy couple. You subscribers must be very happy and proud of this couple. You are also happy paying to watch adult entertainment without the adults. Let's read what happens and hope the best for both of them.
  5. Mr Deepdave, I am happy for you too!
  6. Nice dinner together? Did anyone besides you see them having a nice dinner together. Is there proof? What they have or had, was not love, it was life out of necessity and the need for money. What she did love is your money, that which was only triggered by sex, and she knew it. Yes, Alberto understood her for her time under the apartment roof. Otherwise, no one not even Alberto, really knows what she was outside of RLC or who she was and has become or will become in the future. I hope for the best and she learns. No matter when or if she receives her tourism degree, she will not be successful with a career until she learns the simple basics of life, integrity, respect, honesty, humility, gratitude, etc. Alberto is not blind, but I would say he does not trust her, rightfully so. But has the kind of love for her she knows nothing about and yet to learn. Although a wasted talent she is only good for one person, herself. She will continue to cheat and be dishonest, until it all comes back to trouble her. Then we can say the only one who would be able to rescue her will be Alberto. About craving? She only craves speaking with Alberto due to the proximity of the space in which they live. In fact, the only craving Martina has shown and proven, is for sex with other women. Yes, the time has come for them to go their separate ways. Perhaps before her trip will be the last time you will see them together. I keep hoping and so far, she continues to return. Yes, I will be happy to hear Martina is no longer in front of RLC. It has served its purpose. Yes, I will be glad for Alberto, that he no longer must be around someone who has only pretend to love him and caused him little happiness and much grief. From all I have read, I now better understand why he used her as a landfill for sex. Not kind but true. I also cannot see them remaining the good friends as all her other lovers after what he has gone through with her.
  7. Well again there are the haves and have nots that separate any conversation, even speculation about this apartment and its participants. It also makes this forum conversation worthless and untenable. Unless you speak to Martina directly or are consistently advised behind closed doors, anything is possible. However, there is of course the weekend.
  8. Today is "Valentine's Day". "Happy Valentine's Day". Would any of you out their care to speculate where and with whom Martina will spend her night? In the past three years it has not been with her current roommate. Very high odds are it will not be in the current living arrangement you see on RLC. Nor will it be with Alberto. I hope I am wrong! NO most definitely not Nelly!
  9. Yesterday, I mentioned it was good Martina returned with her usual hour-long makeup intact (without the customary red lipstick) and sheer pantyhose with black knee socks remained on. Glad it was a fun party without the removal of her clothes and all articles of clothing were in place. However, I stand corrected this morning; from a female acquaintance, she says Martina returned from her overnight engagement without the sheer pantyhose, and no makeup. Well so much for believing. Yet, I continue to hope the lesson learned for Martina is for her to return from a long overnighter, pack up her belonging, wave goodbye to RLC (most excellent), Alberto (which would be a mistake) and proceed to live an honest life.
  10. That’s great! I guess, it was good she returned with her usual hour-long makeup intact (without the customary red lipstick) and sheer pantyhose with black knee socks remained on. Glad it was a fun party without the removal of her clothes. All in the same place. Even Taco?? Must have a well trained liver!
  11. I was just called out by my friends after they read what I wrote; they say Alberto is Martina's biggest problem.
  12. The one good item you mentioned here is Albert is a good man, a good best friend, trusting and he will do his best to take care of her whether she respects and appreciates him and all he has contributed. But that too will deteriorate and bare grief if she is not vigilant of her misgivings. In the real world there are consequences for your actions; Here on the voyager site she does what she wants. However, I again may be speaking out of turn as she may just not give a dawn. I continue to hope for the best, she will be the good bi-sexual in love with the man she is with and works harder to keep him. Martina can have it all, with her off camera female lover and stops chasing after Louis or make another big mistake and move in with him and his posse.
  13. Hello @ashleyxyz I hope all is well. While the forum did not bring up the gun for conversation, it was bought to our attention by Alberto. Guns, real or not progress the behavior. They are in my opinion an instrument of death. And while many say you must learn the use of a gun; accidents do continue to happen with the expert and non-experts. I would hardly think Miss Martina would care for the new behavior or factor exhibited by her too long term roommate. However, it most likely will lend itself to a reason for her to push further away from Alberto. But who knows perhaps it will excite her.
  14. Yes, it does appear that her friends provide her the medication and treatment to remedy whatever distress, infections, medical conditions, etc. needed. In addition, they provide the essentials for her to live and the fictitious idea of healthiness and happiness. She is way too intelligent for rlc and has this forum very much under her control. I’ve heard nothing mentioned of her responsibilities to her dog “Taco” while away. Yes, she has Alberto who for a little sex will do anything for her. Martina knows he too is quite challenged and can do as she pleases. I have mentioned before, could it be a dog in the presence of rlc makes one think Martina is virtuous and responsible? Why did she get a dog? Perhaps a wannabe? Mammals are good therapy (especially dogs) and unfortunately for Martina she may not realize she needs more therapy than Taco or Alberto to support her from what appears to be this social unruly behavior continuance. Wow, she has improved her quality of life, and this being assisted by her strong education. I recalled seeing and now reading about Martina’s all-nighters, from all night to all night and all day. I hope drug are not a factor, just a couple of off camera lovers. Oh, I know, you want to say she loves Alberto; Really? Or is it for the on-camera money? I am hoping she comes to her senses and moves off rlc and in with the friends who are much more like her, make her much happier than Alberto and where she can gain much more lifelong experiences and successes.
  15. Am I reading this accurately about a firearm? Now a gun in this apartment. I have seen way too many gunshot victims for various reasons and hearing this very disconcerting. Perhaps it is time for rlc to take a position to remove this apartment (perhaps Alberto) from its inventory.. or explain the reason they advocate advertising a violent instrument such as a firearm on there premise; thereby being equally liable for a devastating occurrence. Is there no one concern with what they are reading or seeing regarding a firearm?
  16. I too hope for a speedy recovery; I am positive she will. It is Friday (the weekend) and I am sure her friends including Nelly may like to visit and or party a bit with her this weekend. Is Alberto ill as well? If not, I hope to read about Alberto being alone another weekend and all the activities for his roomy are happening off camera once again. But who knows, perhaps there will be a guest appearance somewhere this weekend? Just a thought, does anyone know if Alberto has taken his roomy (Martina) out for a nice expensive evening of food, wine, and dancing? But of course, we really wouldn’t know unless discussed on camera and translated or if someone witnessed it in person.
  17. I gave you nothing but written text. It is your choice how you wish to interpret it. I don't care what you think you know or don't know!
  18. Yes. And perhaps Yelt might know more than you think. Additionally, while I hesitate, "you” should not speculate what I know and don't know from what you read I've written. I am tracking much better than you know or think!
  19. Yes. And perhaps Yelt might know more than you think.
  20. Perhaps silence is the answer of which we all know to be true. I am hopeful the day will come when Martina becomes completely truthful with Alberto and I read, she has listed all the guys and gals she has been having sex with on her overnights out; That she is sore as hell, and it feels good! And he response back, "Yes" I know. Or did we already hear this long ago with the NiNi dispute.
  21. Good Morning, @JenniferMom I agree, very tiresome. I am waiting for Martina to bring home another girl for a threesome pleasure with Alberto. Or for her to bring home another guy and have sex in there bed. Will it happen? I would sub up for either. Have a nice day and do take care.
  22. @JenniferMom I hope all is well. Are Martina and Alberto bind by the funds received to give the appearance they are doing well or are they acting? Are they bound by an open marriage and not FWB, as the reason Martina does not leave. Can or has Martina persuaded someone from her outside activities to understands her situation and tolerate her bisexuality and mis-guided behaviors? If so, perhaps we will finally see her reject having sex from or with Alberto? If not, perhaps the outsiders only look at Martina for sexual activity as she looks at them? I agree with your assessment of the foursome. Okay, I have not seen the performance, but I've read nothing that indicates the foursome was outstanding or had a "Wow" factor. Was the foursome the finale for Alberto and Martina? How much longer will Alberto but up with these unstoppable overnighters. For me, so many questions and in the end, I would want for them both to live a happy existence away from RLC.
  23. I beg to differ on the “get off your ass” comment. When Alberto's dog was alive, and I had a subscription, I seldom remember Martina taking Blacky out. Alberto takes Martina’s dog (Taco) out frequently and about as much as she does when she is on camera and available. Taco is part of Martina trying to look good for the camera. I am told her dog (Taco) may not be her priority (Taco is there for the cameras only) and less a priority when it is time to engage with her off camera friends. Martina returned home for the lubricant while her friends waited, it was not to take out the dog. Here is what I received when I ask about Alberto; not only does he work hard 5 days a week, sometimes 6; but he also cleans the entire apartment, washes, and folds the clothes, buys groceries, and makes dinner. Nothing against your disrespecting girlfriend, which she directs only towards Alberto, what does your girlfriend do beside 35% studying, 25% sleeping (when she is home), 15% time on the phone, 30% out of the apartment entertaining herself and her friends. Lastly, I am sure your favorite and the only thing she may be good for 5% showing her vagina for the cameras. Unfortunately, I have said it many times before, and no matter if they are FWB, with an open relationship, she has a lot to learn about morals and respecting the ones who really love you. Not the fake love and acting she depictions for the camera and the money. Respect and morals she will not read about in a book but must be learned. “What goes around, comes around”!!
  24. Thank you for the information. From this new comment and revelation, for sure Alberto knows what kind of girl he’s developed but he doesn’t seem to care much unless perhaps he gets STD. That which you all on the forum most likely would love that transmission from Martina but must settle for watching her activities on RLC. As I read this forum, I become increasingly aware and understand very well why translation is not shared. If you all don't know what she does on some of her overnights by now, you will never know. Just a thought, would that be Oil-based, water or silicone-based lubricant. You all must love your favorite girl who brings her own lubricant to the party. Oh wait; this is not proof of what Martina might be doing with the lubricant. It could very well be for a friend. Wonder what acts of kindness she is going to perform or have happen. Or could she be partying with her newly introduced Russian boyfriends met from the party at B4. Can’t wait for the good reading from all defending her yet again. I am hoping she does not forgets where she lives. But she has an Alberto to bring her back if she does..maybe.
  25. Or it could have been Martina returned home all warmed up, without underwear and ready to go? Who knows.
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