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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Good morning, Jen and forum. You have a good point here and yes what of the continued heavy partying, now the daily evening departure prior to Alberto going to sleep for the evening. She returns late the following day to repeat it all again. At first thought it sound as if it could be a job. If it is job, then why was it not revealed by the trusted translators. Perhaps not the kind of job you would mention to mom. Is her attire work related or has she caught the attention of whom she’s desired, so no longer is dressing up needed? I’ve not heard she is returning without articles of clothing? Now, I hear about the long open am conversations even after her am returns. Is her conversation to convince someone of her worth or she is extremely interested. Have you ever left someone for the evening, only to call them upon returning home. Your call may be a passionate call to discuss the evening or how much you miss them after just leaving. Is she working on a couple of individuals? Could one be Luis? Is she having long healthy conversations with her brother, her father perhaps, or a good friend from home? Too many secrets awaiting to be unleashed. But her actions seem to be in full agreement. I also believe Alberto knows what is going on with Martina, as well as the big guy whom she reveals all; And they both have known for some time. Martina must read the forum and all that is being said. I would say by her recent activities and actions, her open mic’d conversations just discussed, her attitude is she no longer wants to hide her personal life. Yet Jen as you say, “best chances” of understanding what’s going on with her would be translation by someone who truly understand the language. I also believe if it were up to Martina, if she is engaged with others (if for sexual pleasure) outside of the apartment, they would have visited if not for the cameras. However, that visit could be closer than we know but it is a wait and see. The summer is young. Someone mentioned scratches on her knees or legs and now itching between her legs. Possibly a rash. Did someone figure out what that was about? Perhaps new allergies?
  2. It does appear that the solo bates are not doing it for some. I suppose it takes 2 or in some cases 3 to put on a good show. Envision if you will, it is not Martina that has decided to stop the sex shows but Alberto? We have all complained about his functioning sexually and this is a way of returning the favors. Not so unintelligent after all; maybe? Time will tell. From previous mentions, Alberto would like to end this bad adventure with RCL. He may also want to end his time with Martina (who knows) but I do wish them well and with all that is now occurring they are on a pathway to a happier life outside of RLC.
  3. Or not! Perhaps she will shower ( or not) and just leave for the day with the Taco.
  4. She did returned for an overnight bag. However, in my opinion I believe the long night and day was planned and discussed between her and Alberto. Lets us all hope the " No one can tell her what to do" attitude does not become problematic and she remains safe.
  5. My best guess is Martina and Alberto would like out of there contract! Perhaps a raise? I still have not heard Martina and Alberto have had sex on camera in a while. And now it appears Martina is using the RLC apartment for showers, sleeping and very few meals. Although someone mentioned Luis may have venture off somewhere for the summer, I've not heard there was verbal evidence. So, could Martina be spending her nights with him and the crew? I say they have outsmarted RLC! And where was Bogdan when Martina was visiting with Nelly? I would say to you @girlsfun2 and all those paying RLC consumers, many here who’ve enjoyed the sexual encounters with Alberto and Martina, you must be going through withdrawals not having watched any action between them. Although I was told she puts on a mildly good solo bate show?
  6. Thanks for responding. Of course the friendship remains, similar to that of Nelly but I agree at a different level. However, I believe the tide has turned and for whatever reason Nelly may no longer feel a passionate response for Martina. Thanks for the information on the threesome.
  7. Some good thoughts! Alberto is a good friend to Martina and I don’t believe he needs to do what we may speculate she is doing to him (having sex with other guys). Only he knows the truth and mentioned it long ago. I have more but work calls. The one noticeable item for me is I have not read much about them having sex or fucking (whichever one likes to hear). Perhaps they will have a session soon to keep you all interested. While I hope finishing school is still the number on goal, I do believe Martina has a greater deliima that stems with these uncontrollable long overnighters. I am sure to hear a few of you to come to her defense. Martina in my opinion seems to be taking advantage of Alberto and both are of this the forum; using RLC to their advantage. I have mentioned it once before Martina only come to RLC for the money and not Alberto. Is Martina looking for another roommate? For sure with her behavior she is driving her good friend Alberto away. Let’s see!
  8. So, we thought the relationship was dead? Who knows for sure? However, as you say the night is young, but I believe there was no hookup previously nor will there be tonight. I do believe this; Nelly is continuing to work on her drug and alcohol issues (she does not want to return to Russia just yet) with some success. What I do read is Martina has always been into alcohol and a bit of drugs. Which from time to time are not bad for you. About the night of the threesome (which the forum cannot decide occurred), Alberto discussed Martina being so passed-out she doesn’t remember the anal sex confrontation. Does she even remember the third person involved? Could it be Martina may be approaching and adventuring into more drugs and alcohol than we hear about or witness visually? The only thing we do know from the notes I've read, for some reason she leaves dress one way only to return with different or less articles of clothing. What do you think?
  9. Ahh..Thank you for volunteering the information to the forum. Is this considered a translation posture?
  10. Normally, I do not respond to your kind words of widow since to me they only seem to be one sided. Luis not around for the summer; No wonder I don't read Martina has gone dancing (as it is called) overnight for the weekend. Not Luis’ Birthday? Perhaps it is the Birthday of the guy (not her brother, maybe her cousin) on the Free Preview who was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watching Ms. Martina pull down her pants, urinate and wipe herself; Perhaps it is that guys Birthday? I look forward to your words of defense.
  11. He will have a more relaxing Friday alone. It is Martina's external boyfriend (Luis) Birthday (31 perhaps or not) and I would think Alberto would not be invited. So hopefully he doesn't see Martina again until sometime Saturday or maybe even Sunday!
  12. Good to hear M&A have taken control and their real life is now outside of RLC. All you can do now is speculate and imagine. "Good for them if they are almost over with RLC"! Martina gain frame by having a public affair with a married woman. And in the interim she single-handily increased the RLC subscription and gave us all something to debate. Hope to no longer hear Martina being placed on a pedestal and can do no wrong but… Perhaps they will continue to put on a contractual sex show once a week, just to keep you subscribers interested and allow her to finish school? Martina and Alberto have continued to surprise and outsmart us all. Just a thought, if Martina is sleeping all day, out late every night (it is summertime); Alberto resting in the evening and working all day, Is the big guy still taking care of Taco? Anyone know?
  13. At least whatever exploratory event that took place this weekend she and Alberto did it together! And I think that it is outstanding! I would also say whenever Martina departs for an overnighter with panties, she mostly returns without them. Probably not real hygienic but oh well! If she is really as sexually active as we all seem to think, I hope she is using some protection? By the by I haven’t read anything about Luis or how her trip was (if she went with him) since her return from Croatia. Has that relationship cooled until the next weekend?
  14. Yes. Again I say they are currently not seeing each other in a “romantic” capacity but that could change, you never know. However, if it does I would be surprise if it is on camera. And I believe there are 3 very good reasons to keep it off camera_ Alberto, Bogdan and this forum.
  15. Hello Jen, I have no visual proof, so all can take this as speculation, I am quite confident Nelly and Martina are not seeing each other off camera in a romantic capacity.
  16. Agree with you here @Adalbert. However, beach and in the presence of and respecting ones company are different. If she is sitting with her legs open to show herself under a dress (whether male or female), I would think this type of behavior is not proper feminine etiquette; Perhaps Martina is exempted. I am also surprised I have not read on the forum, Martina's friend (rumored tall gay friend who may have accompanied her on the trip) has not showed up to deliver her Birthday kisses or otherwise. Perhaps he called and they have arranged for the weekend to celebrate? I hope Alberto will be able to join the weekend celebrate with Martina and friends. I am also surprised I have not read Nelly has not come by to say "Happy Birthday"; Ahh maybe just a text.
  17. Nothing is remarkable about this threesome mentioned (if all is true) except in time who cognitively will be affected mentally. I seem to always get harassed for speculation, but I cannot believe Martina and Alberto are in a monogamous relationship but instead the apartment is being used as a part-time resting area for someone and a way to collect RLC easy money for both. Did someone already read the script? Is there someone out there that knows what is happening off camera but cannot divulge those secrets? Did anyone see the orange or pink color suitcase (I am told was packed prior to Martina’s trip) come back with Martina upon her return or just a backpack? A lot of fun reading to wake up to this morning. I may have missed this in my daily reading but was there proof written that Luis is or is not gay. I mentioned Martina and Luis were having sex priority to the trip and was told it was a wild speculation. And now it does not meet fabrication. Has proof surfaced she is in fact having sex with Luis . . and Alberto?
  18. Other than the one comment about the location of Martina’s vacation which now is questionable; is there evidence she was accompanied only by her friend Louis or friends as well?
  19. Seems the group has no comments because they have no proof, and it may be offensive to Martina. Since I am not a follower, 2 & 5 are my choices.
  20. Hello @moos54 I believe there has been conversation around Alberto not doing much. And yes, he could very well show signs of a "homebody". But he did go over to B4 a few times over the years has gone out with Martina. How about we get the impression Alberto does not like to go out because of the kind of company Martina's keeps and not because he is a "homebody". Could this be a similar situation with thinking Alberto is lazy, yet now has a job that requires very strenuous work. Now that I think about it could it be the reason Alberto started lifting weights? Perhaps he knew what he was going to pursue? I am told the other night her friends came over and the little guy grabbed her breast which she had no problems with him doing. I can only imagine what they do off camera and I would think Alberto would not want to be a part of the kind of entertainment.
  21. Hello Jen, Unfortunately, I cannot see if their sex life has gotten any better than the average it was in the Nelly era. With all I have read of late and now with the trip with another guy, I would say any sex (anal and otherwise) between Alberto and Martina (as disgusting as it is) is for the benefit of the business and satisfying the free stay (to finish school) and on-lookers. Just another thought which I respect; You just never know. Perhaps it was a great friendship up until this trip! I believe Martina wanted this trip and Alberto did not and there could have been much argumentative debate off camera, up to the day(s) before departure. Even prior to this trip I believe Louis and Martina had been having sex in preparation of the trip without the knowledge of Alberto. He would be out of his mind to think about marriage with this woman! Regardless of whether she is with a homosexual, it will be interesting to see how the relationship between Martina and Alberto, Martina and Louis continue after her weeklong, day in and day out getting to know one another time spent. What kind of woman are we witnessing here? A relationship with a married woman and now this? I am not sure @girlsfun2 could make this stuff up. On another note, perhaps it was one of those arrangements to see how Martina would like her new relationship on RLC and if she and Alberto should have a hard discussion about ending the business. Of course this too could be a birthday present to Martina. Alberto has gotten a job; one that requires hard work. I am embarrassed I mentioned he was lazy. He had his reasons for not working until now, in which we nor Martina were privy. He had been working on a job and so happened it came through after the passing of his beloved friend "Blackie". I just hope if this is not a business arrangement and if not, that Alberto gains his senses, his self-respect and leaves the degradation being place on him by his current roommate.
  22. @Adalbert, Thank you for the link. I would agree with your statement and would also inform and be advised; We must know the rules for them to be followed. Per the rules I will be most careful with what I share on this forum but only provide my comments as a view. However, for those that slash out without comprehensive and legitimate information of what they do not know to other members of the forum, may find privacy is not always as private as they think. I understand one could very well be scrutinized by a much higher authority…
  23. Hello @StnCld316, Thank you for responding and the information. However, I am looking for the forum rules as stated in the response quote to me below. Could you please provide that information or rules. Thank you emnv emnvAdvanced Member Premium Member 323 Posted May 20 Speaking of little ethics and morals, here we have yelt and jman again spreading lies, false testimonies and slander about this couple. When multiple times they have been asked for proof, a timestamp, a transcript that would support their infamies, they have never been able to provide it. Simply because they do not exist, these are simple and plain lies whose only objective is to harm them. No, Martina has never worked as a prostitute, and the fact that you can't explain her having phone calls and leaving the house just means that jman doesn't understand her language, and you don't have an RLC subscription. Please, respect the tenants as the forum rules say, and from now on don't spread tremendous lies that you can't support with facts, with the sole purpose of hurting them.
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