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Can't believe I am reading this a 2am Tuesday morning but it is a must that Martina and Alberto assist her parent!!!!!
Just a thought but the probability and likelihood they were not together is slim but could have been good for each. I am sure the forum will dissect the timing of their return, items of clothing, trinkets, etc. Also, if they were together, could it be not only for the activities together but perhaps about how to bring the relationship performance back to the camera? Once again it would be all about the money. I do hope if Martina went home, she made time for her family!
I’ve enjoyed your commentaries and threads, though-out the forum today! Excellent! Thank you. However, Is there indeed the concern Martina and ugly Nelly are or are not engaged in the act of sexual activities, or just concern they are not engaged on camera? Martina is bi-sexual and a sex addict, of course sex is included with whoever she is with off camera for that time alone. She has cravings for Nelly and Luis; travel, one bed, one room, why not? In my opinion it is the few that continue to adamantly express abstinence between Nelly and Martina and even Luis, that we are aware. And when the topic is raised (the two + few) rise to defend Martina and badger others as though she was the purist person on the planet. She isn’t, she knows it and these few attempts to conjure belief otherwise are futile. While a great deal of your commentaries theoretically stipulates excellent wisdom, fine oration, could they be interpreted as conjecture or the infamous “speculation”. Just a thought. Also, Alberto is a mysterious individual of which we have provide much disapproval of him for not working or traveling with Martina for the need to be responsible and spent time with his old friend who has since passed. Shortly after the death of his friend (Blackie) he did secured work in short order and is reimbursing his friend Martina her loss funds to there venture and to working to leave RLC, with or without her. A landscaper, not an easy job. He is as I read, responsibly, respectfully up daily, riding his bike, rain or shine to get to work. Lately, on Martina reading the self-help books, is she trying for the quick financial independence and also contemplates life without RLC dependency. Although, I would believe she realizes the need for RLC to finish school, yet could she be tarnishing, adding interruptions to her future through social media and videos? Thoughts?
Thank you and you are correct about the actuality of Martina’s life off camera. We should all not be concern as it is her life on or off camera. However, for me it is troubling that such an intelligent person that indicates she wants to be successful in life may also be responsible for her uncontrollable, her short fall. Could it be the whole bi-sexual situation is more disruptive than she knows? I do not believe anyone cares that Martina is Bi, in fact there are probably readers of the forum that may be Bi. I would like to see Martina and Alberto succeed in life after RLC. The utmost disconcerting entity about Martina is that she may not only be focused on the relationship with Nelly but at the same time delaying her future along with someone else’s relationship for her own desires. While most believe you live life for the present, shouldn’t one also consider life for the future….. I am sure those of you that enjoy the porn side of RLC and Martina, plus others will disagree. Wait for it! Just being on RLC (considered a porn site) for as long as she has could be a disruption for her future goals after graduating school and a successful life thereafter if the goals still exist. I continue to say social media has a great deal to play in one’s life and the videos are out there for everyone to see and judge.
Your comments and thoughts are worthy. Do you know of Bogdan’s position at RLC? Is he a manager working daily hours or is he still doing odds and end here and there? Does he have an investment in RLC? From reading a few of the threads about Martina, sadness, and possibly slight depression, she may be the next to “Crash” as did Nelly. I hope not. She appears to be strong conceptually but with the possible physical, family, monetary and subjective tension, it could happen. Martina seems to need the social simulation and I am not reading she is doing the overnighters lately now that her dance (and whatever else) partner is suggested to be out of Barcelona. Regarding visitation between Martina and Nelly, the rules may have changed to Martina’s favor with regards to Bogdan’s apparent approval to have sex and seeing Nelly, sex if it is off camera. Also, off camera mean RLC is no longer liable for what occurs if disturbing. Another question, I have also not read Bogdan and Nelly are having sex on camera? Does that mean they are not having sex or no longer on camera? Although, previously when I had a subscription, and she was seeing Martina regularly, she was bating regularly. I would venture to say that most likely she has not stopped but not as often.
From time-to-time Nelly or Bogdan leave for a day or two with little to no baggage and return. While no one in the forum cares to hear, the subscribers continue to pay Martina and Nelly their salary, on or off camera, also for their trips. Could it be that Martina did not leave Barcelona to visit her hometown and instead remains in Barcelona with Nelly at there private place? It is that get away from the men for some girl time @JenniferMom mentioned. Of course, unless you know for certain this is where they have gone.
I apologize but for the record her stage name is Martina. And I believe Alberto has already that bit of knowledge about his friend. While we know a lot about Martina, we know very, very little of Alberto in comparison. I had not read but was there a sex session between Alberto and Martina before her departure. The sex or "oil change" as @girlsfun2 refers to it, is a good sign she is either preparing for an “All Nighter” or “Departure” for another big adventure, leaving her dog and friend behind. Of course, the sex is to acknowledge her only financial means which she can certainly depend on from the loyal RLC subscribers. More videos for the vault? There is no doubt Nelly and Martina have become good friends (similar to her and Alberto) and deserve each other (like her and Alberto). She will continue to read and gain the knowledge needed to become financially independent, take care of Nelly, and ride happily in the sunset with her deep friends Nelly and Luis. I am hoping they can one day be together for always and perhaps we will see Nelly urinate on Martina's apartment floor. Wait..that will not happen, Martina will have Nelly trained by then. Regardless of who she is with, I hope the trip was not self-centered, but to visit with her family (especially to check on her father and brother)
Thank you so much for the great information...
Say all you would like, believe all you would like, see what you see, I think Martina and Nelly have learned to play the game much better than us all. ......Maybe Alberto and Bogdan as well.
Good Morning, I can see how she would not be in any hurry to return. Although, I am hoping Martina returns revitalized, she stays on RLC for as long as necessary. However, I am also hoping the self-help books (Tony Robbins, etc) encourages and advises, if to achieve financially self-regulation, she no longer resorts to any deterrents such as exposing herself sexually on RLC. No more on camera sexual activities! I am sure you all will agree that you would like Martina’s hard work to yield her success in the area in which she is pursuing with her education. She should refrain from the risk of being an attraction on social media, RLC as it may affect her life goals, a good job, her own business, financial independence, etc. The RLC videos are forever and could become very detrimental. There is no need for Martina to engage in these sexual shows to stay on RCL; From what I have read there are quite a few girls on RLC that do very little and are still being rewarded monetary; why should Martina participate unless that is what she wants and feels she must.
I believe she has already fucked him (in fact most likely many times). Wait for it! However, without hearing or on camera visual activities it is hard to provide evidence. Is he (Luis) gay or is he bisexual? Alberto may be aware she is fucking Luis (and everyone has an idea but won’t comment). Alberto doesn’t care if she’s fucking Luis, as long as the on-camera porn show between them continues to satisfy RLC subscribers. It is all about the money here. With no job, how else is Martina going to pay for those fun vacations and school? Perhaps the Robbins readings will help increase her financial stability, thereby relieving her of RLC. It would be great to hear she is no longer on RLC at last!
Accolades too Martina for always seeking to enhance or improve her life. If she would just leave RLC. Does anyone know if Martina has mentioned some of the thoughts from the Robbin books too Alberto or Luis? Or was Luis the one that suggested the book? Where is Luis lately? Anyone know? I have not read Martina has been out dancing lately, is it because Luis is absent for the moment?
Agree. Do you ever see Martina listening to Podcast? They are mostly free and make for a good equilibrium to reading. There are also a great collection of interesting, subject discussions and intellectual topic that can be retrieved in Barcelona.
Wow! Is that a translation. You are with little talents, but you can now add child psychologist to you porn addiction profile.
Since it was Alberto, perhaps you can honor the forum with the translated conversation.
More Martina secrets: Saturday at 21:20:32 Martina is speaking with a male on the phone, thought to be Alberto. Alberto returns at 21:21:57 Martina quickly hangs up the phone with whomever she is speaking with in the middle of the conversation. Can someone confirm this happened?
It is Saturday close to noon here; currently cloudy and about 90 degrees. It's another hot day. I just received a email that Martina did not go out tonight and instead stayed in playing video games and watching movies. She also did not have any early morning phone conversations. In fact the note said she made dinner for Alberto. If true, I wonder what bought that on? Is she starting to realize Alberto is the good guy that he, that he is working hard for her love now and for the future. I wonder where might she be or what she would be doing without him? Better or worst! Has she decided to show him "love" other than just having sex. Is this the start of doing more with him than without him? Or is this the quiet before the storm. Another trip with another male friend perhaps in the works?
Yes. Again I say they are currently not seeing each other in a “romantic” capacity but that could change, you never know. However, if it does I would be surprise if it is on camera. And I believe there are 3 very good reasons to keep it off camera_ Alberto, Bogdan and this forum.
Hello Jen, I have no visual proof, so all can take this as speculation, I am quite confident Nelly and Martina are not seeing each other off camera in a romantic capacity.
Agree with you here @Adalbert. However, beach and in the presence of and respecting ones company are different. If she is sitting with her legs open to show herself under a dress (whether male or female), I would think this type of behavior is not proper feminine etiquette; Perhaps Martina is exempted. I am also surprised I have not read on the forum, Martina's friend (rumored tall gay friend who may have accompanied her on the trip) has not showed up to deliver her Birthday kisses or otherwise. Perhaps he called and they have arranged for the weekend to celebrate? I hope Alberto will be able to join the weekend celebrate with Martina and friends. I am also surprised I have not read Nelly has not come by to say "Happy Birthday"; Ahh maybe just a text.
Nothing is remarkable about this threesome mentioned (if all is true) except in time who cognitively will be affected mentally. I seem to always get harassed for speculation, but I cannot believe Martina and Alberto are in a monogamous relationship but instead the apartment is being used as a part-time resting area for someone and a way to collect RLC easy money for both. Did someone already read the script? Is there someone out there that knows what is happening off camera but cannot divulge those secrets? Did anyone see the orange or pink color suitcase (I am told was packed prior to Martina’s trip) come back with Martina upon her return or just a backpack? A lot of fun reading to wake up to this morning. I may have missed this in my daily reading but was there proof written that Luis is or is not gay. I mentioned Martina and Luis were having sex priority to the trip and was told it was a wild speculation. And now it does not meet fabrication. Has proof surfaced she is in fact having sex with Luis . . and Alberto?
Other than the one comment about the location of Martina’s vacation which now is questionable; is there evidence she was accompanied only by her friend Louis or friends as well?
Seems the group has no comments because they have no proof, and it may be offensive to Martina. Since I am not a follower, 2 & 5 are my choices.
Hello @moos54 I believe there has been conversation around Alberto not doing much. And yes, he could very well show signs of a "homebody". But he did go over to B4 a few times over the years has gone out with Martina. How about we get the impression Alberto does not like to go out because of the kind of company Martina's keeps and not because he is a "homebody". Could this be a similar situation with thinking Alberto is lazy, yet now has a job that requires very strenuous work. Now that I think about it could it be the reason Alberto started lifting weights? Perhaps he knew what he was going to pursue? I am told the other night her friends came over and the little guy grabbed her breast which she had no problems with him doing. I can only imagine what they do off camera and I would think Alberto would not want to be a part of the kind of entertainment.
@StnCld316, Thank you for responding.