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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. In 5 minutes Daniel and Rus arrive and we are full. I thought the tub was ready for Hollyh and Loraine
  2. she closes in on herself, I've never seen her angry in three stays, I hope I'm not blind
  3. In fact, I've been saying this for weeks, the problem is Loraine. We all know Holly, she quits, doesn't protest, just quits
  4. Maybe it's part of the peace deal with Holly and maybe it's a consequence of what happened in B5 the other night
  5. I don't believe there are keys on the doors, for security reasons. I've only seen them in the bathrooms but maybe I'm wrong
  6. because Olivia only thinks of herself, she knows it but she doesn't care. This is the climate of B4. BUT I BELIEVE THAT THIS TIME WAS INVITED BY rUS, the moron, who still knows about this thing
  7. Keep complaining about Holly. You know that for over a year she has not entered the apartment where she finds Daniel. Holly will be so wrong but on this respect her or say that you just talk badly for no other reason
  8. Continuate a lamentarvi di Holly, la volete capire che da più di un anno non entra in ul locale dove ci sia Daniel? Avrà tanti torti ma almeno su questa faccenda rispettatela
  9. I don't think Kykie and Rus will sleep in B4 so I wonder if Tata and Marlene will get a good fuck
  10. I like to say that the evening is fine for Tata and Marlene, guys posed without many crickets in their heads, let's hope so
  11. I like to say that the evening is fine for Tata and Marlene, guys posed without many crickets in their heads, let's hope so
  12. However in the apartments there are too many corners not covered by cam. RLC absolutely has to fix it
  13. Oh well, I don't put hands in Radi's pouch, I've never put my hands in my wife's bag, think of you
  14. I don't know this, I don't watch girls on cam, this one with RLC is my first experience. I'm just saying there are girls I like and others I don't like. Just this
  15. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm not the only one who thinks that Radi doesn't take drugs and doesn't drink alcohol except occasionally but very occasionally
  16. I'm back now, not seen some replays. Kylie and Rus are shameless, these behaviors, now in Holly and Tweety's room are shameful. The bad pair of RLCs
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