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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. I thought the same thing and for this reason I was curious to understand the chat on Holly's bed between the 4 "women"
  2. J'ai pensé la même chose et pour cette raison j'étais curieuse de comprendre la conversation sur le lit d'Holly entre les 4 "femmes"
  3. Incredible, Rus undressed and went to bed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. When Radi is not with Cecilia she needs company and she doesn't care where she comes from, Sorry, explain to me why mafia?
  5. Do you know what I'm sorry about? Not understanding what Kiylie is yelling and what Rus is saying to Fior to go get her. The girls hit the taxi but maybe he doesn't know
  6. Sorry if I dare but do you really think she's better now? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I had never seen her like this, even if she was more drunk. Maybe she is afraid because she misses her Rus
  7. Do I think badly if I say that for some time we will not see Kylie and Rus at some party?
  8. I didn't know her before these days but I think Kylie has many psychic problems
  9. I believe that this evening the balance will be definitively broken. The air is bad
  10. Sorry, the timely exit of now, almost an escape from Radi, is proof that the problem is Loraine
  11. I have seen Tweety's affectionate attitudes but not Holly's rejects, it seemed to me that they pleased her but she did not reciprocate
  12. At the end of these parties I would like to know what the girls from B1 and B2 who participated think
  13. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  14. Of course! She is young, lively, curious, intelligent and looking for experiences
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