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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. What happens to Holly and Tweety, it seems like they haven't talked to each other since this morning
  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. Carlos est italien, il aime ces choses. Rus, non semble-t-il, est plus jaloux que Kylie
  4. Por Morenaxo Did you by any chance follow this morning's discussion between Radislava and Tweety in the kitchen? Immediately after 12:00:00
  5. Radi's departure is excellent, but now we must also proceed with Loraine in the same way
  6. Llevo 6 meses intentándolo, no me funciona. Busco una aplicación por computador no para móvil. Gracias si saben y me pueden indicar
  7. The false, violent and vulgar Fiora still looking for and touching Radi. Careful Radi, careful
  8. Perdoname. Dime qué traductor entiendes. Yo uso el traductor transalate de google pero con la voz en ruso no me funciona
  9. Dimmi qual è il traduttore che capisci. Uso google translate ma con la voce del russo non funziona per me
  10. Radislava be careful, you are confiding in a person who will use you, be very careful even if I understand you. You are left alone and in this moment she is the only one talking to you. Be careful
  11. Fiora also starts to create a bad mood. Nobody taught her to mind her and not meddle with her? the main rule is not to talk about it in order to soon forget. But she has another purpose, to eliminate Holly and Loraine which she cannot manipulate at will. I have always said of her that she is false, violent and vulgar
  12. I watched the replays several times and saw that he threw away the pills he was holding but didn't do it against people. Anyway, it was Loraine who pissed her off
  13. What birds are you talking about? I didn't see anyone throwing anything beyond Loraine's glass
  14. Of course the worst are returning, now it is enough for Bonnie and Rama to arrive and no one is missing
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