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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. DFOH! that would be information obtained from within the apartment
  2. Laugh all you want @SOMHO2000 learn the rules & don't be a DICKHEAD!
  3. It could also be said that Megan was the Queen when she was living in B4 penthouse.
  4. Is Lali Svetlana's daughter? There is a strong resemblance
  5. Oh you are quick 🤣🤣🤣 Noldus stated this 9 minutes before you
  6. They didn't return, because they never left. Are you privy to their finances? or just more of your speculation.
  7. The girl with the light green jumper on the floor looks like Kristy
  8. Fiora needs to get her areolae tattooed, they are so pale, it looks like she doesn't have any. ps" she is exercising topless in the lounge now, I'm liking the new blonde look, next she should ditch the glasses & try contacts.
  9. If you do, just get a month only, her OF is very plain & boring
  10. My comment was due to your assumption that it couldn't be OF due to her talking into the phone, I never said she did OF
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