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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Get a sense of humour, instead of being an arrogant angry T_A_ ps: I can read a dictionary, that's why I posted it for you to READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. She told me she would consider more explicit if the money was right
  3. With a K or a C Sambuka - sambuca The Free Dictionary https://www.thefreedictionary.com › Sambuka n. An Italian liqueur with the flavor of anise. [Italian, originally a trade name created by Italian liqueur producer Luigi Manzi (fl. 19th century)
  4. You shouldn't make assumption s about things you know nothing about.
  5. They seem to have forgotten many times with many others
  6. Lilith and Taylor had the almost 3some with Tani until Tim turned up & spoilt it
  7. I'm just saying what you posted once upon a time, I can't find the original post because you have probably already deleted it
  8. berty deletes the posts Don't be so hard on Alberto bobknob joined December 13 2020 and has only made 28 posts, that is an average of 9.33 per year
  9. Nobody gives a fuck what you think! ROTFLMAO 🤣 Any girl can fake an orgasm
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