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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. How does that prove her bates were not fake
  2. You brought up the alleged great sex
  3. "great sex" ??? how do you work that out.
  4. With a score of 26:29 it was very unlikely to be soccer/football
  5. Who is the girl in silver pants in the kitchen now? I no longer have a sub.
  6. She wore transparent white at the party a couple of days ago
  7. Did plenty of oral & daytime with Gypsy on her last stay. This is same boyfriend (Gypsy)
  8. Except for Yana without the Da or Ul
  9. She's just a little bit overdressed
  10. Harley needs to introduce Zabava to some GG loving.
  11. It's sad that you are such a narrow minded, vindictive & opinionated person, you stay behind your keyboard wanking & sucking your thumb
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