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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. @corvette08 will declare her more useless than Katarina
  2. It was quite hot, she was wearing leopard skin lingerie, stockings and stilettos, all posted in Premium for posterity
  3. Madison doing Katarina's make-up, so she doesn't look like Zlatan Ibrahimovic
  4. Dasha exercising in the living area
  5. Don't be to hard on him, he is only 12 years old & a self confessed stalker
  6. In Australia we just buy them for a supermarket, they come in denominations of $20, $50, $100, $250 & $400 or choose the $ value you want
  7. Just pick up a prepaid Visa card, that's what I use, as i only have Mastercard
  8. @moos54 @StnCld316 @Foamy T. Squirrel
  9. Back to a camera is not a bate, might as well be under the sheets
  10. I'm not saying Martina is extremely attractive, but I think she has that girl next door quality & a great body, Barbie is a very plain jane, I think she is very ordinary, she has no boobs, she has a big nose, she is into sex because she is a sub, Ken is extremely dominant, he doesn't care about Barbie, he just wants to get off
  11. Vita is the female in white T-Shirt, Nikita is the bloke in black
  12. Yes it was Do you really think so?
  13. Dasha has competition for the flattest chest and large nipples
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