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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. They finished off in the hall, seems Gypsy likes looking at himself in the mirror!
  2. Alexandra & Lucian in the 2nd bedroom with Bonnie & Rama in main bedroom
  3. @StnCld316 @moos54 @Foamy T. Squirrel I 100% support jugghead on this issue, I to ask for 'upyourass' to be banned.
  4. @Foamy T. Squirrel @moos54 @StnCld316
  5. Nothing wrong with that, pizza has a tomato base, in Australia we have BBQ sauce on pizza
  6. Nobody wants to see Smith masturbating without a sheet.
  7. Just a heads up, this is the thread to use for commenting on pics, as per the rules above.
  8. She also said they were moving to Barcelona together
  9. Hmm, will Caroline's pussy rubbing on the couch turn into a bate!
  10. Don't you think that he might not have a lock on his phone.
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