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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 1 minute ago, Deepdave said:

    Martina did not look like she was going partying last night.  I’ll bet that she went out to dinner with Candella and when she heard that there was a school strike today, she decided to sleep at Candella’s.  But, of course, I could be wrong.  

    id have to disagree with you but who knows she maybe had a another kind of party in mind 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Hello Jen, Enjoyed the read!  Sounds like from the new readings Ms Martina checked out of Alberto hotel, and is back to her normal  "Friends with Benefits" schedule. Must be on Spring Break? 

    Alberto just woke up from the sofa and went through to the bed room his look said it all  

  3. 2 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Yes, but to be able to train Taco, Martina need to 'bring' some other 'sperm' at home, so don't 'wash', Martina before returning home....😊


    6am still not home yup its an all nighter wonder who the lucky chappie or girlie was last night but if I was a gambling man i'd say Nelly as I believe strongly that theye still an item , but I suppose we'll still get the usual few with the usual excuses lol

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    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, girlsfun2 said:

    we'll finally have another source of information on what's going on outside of RLC on those nights...

    ok let's train Taco:tongue:

    she wasn't dressed for a night at the bingo that's for sure plus she seemed quite excited about going out, dancing in front of the mirror 

  5. 1 hour ago, JenniferMom said:

    I kind of started this by defining two groups -- the Martina-is-a-saint group and a Martina-is-a-puta group.  The reality is that there are many mulitple positions in between these two extremes.  I personally am more in the middle.  We know she has sex without Alberto on her own when she stays out overnight.  So it's safe to assume there are times when she is out partying that she hooks up.   I do not believe every time she goes out all night, she is having a huge orgy or gang-bang or turning tricks or anything like that.  She loves sex and can be slutty but she also seems to have some selectivity in who she wants to make love to.  It seems that the person has to be special to her in some way.

    One of my favorite sayings is:  There are two types of people in the world.  Those that like to divide people into two groups.  And those that do not.

    I actually thinks she like the occasional one stand hey ho who doesn't, mind you its probably more than occasional  

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  6. 5 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    Currently you are doing the same that you critisize some of us only difference is that some words you use are bit more vulgar. But feel free to continue like that since I will also continue. Free forum..free content...👍

    well you should remember that statement when other people mention your beloved Martina in a way that you don't like, free forum..free content people are allowed an opinion 

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  7. just so people know I wasn't criticising Martina for they way she runs her life that's entirely her business if she wants that's fine after all guys do it all the time they then like to brag about it, and I cant say I was surprised to get the usual critics from the Martina protectors jeez its like going toe to toe with her bodyguards ffs lighten up these people are put on CC to entertain and not fall in love with and definitely not get obsessed with so to those bodyguards lighten up your a bit harse to other posters there's no need so chill those same people really don't like when a newbie has there say, they're as welcome as boil an there arse 

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  8. 10 hours ago, yelt said:

    Does anyone know why during sex Alberto started pulling out of Martina to finish himself? Thought she went off the pill and the reason this occurs but someone on the forum mentioned she is still taking birth control or morning after?  


    could this be because shes going to meet someone he/female and she doesnt want his jizz falling from her 

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