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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 4 hours ago, Noldus said:

    0621 Martina home

    I still say she like a one night stand when she's out, I'm basing this that she's a very highly sext person and definitely needs more than Alberto is able to give her, I think when she's out she wouldn't mind if it was in someone else's bed or up against a wall or even in a parking lot (if true) she needs sex and Alberto isn't filling those needs when they're having sex she puts his hand on her breast he gives it about 15 seconds of attention then forgets about it she loves to get fingered but he'd rather finger her ass in my opinion he's a lazy lover and I use the word lover loosely basically what im saying I can fully understand why there's so many all nighters   


    41 minutes ago, tle said:

    I've seen reflections of apartments across the way in that window a few times when it's opened to just the right angle... It looked like they might have been a couple of floors up from ground level... It's hard to tell... I'd love to see a balcony camera installed.... But the way Alberto comes in and out with his bike and the fact that sometimes they wash the dogs feet when they come in leads you to believe the front door opens to ground level...

    I too have seen reflections of other buildings and thought they were on maybe on the third or forth floor 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, tle said:

    They were in the bedroom having sex one day. Martina jumped up and ran out of the room... I found her nude in the hall talking on the phone that's hanging on the wall over the hall table... Then she put on her little silk robe and flip flops and went out the door wearing nothing else... Two minutes later she came back in with delivery food...  It's either a gated apartment or a gated community...

    or just a flat with an entry phone system 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, ddhothot said:

    They can't win whatever they do can they?

    Half of the posters on forum want them to do more as a couple other than staying in and walking the dogs.  They do this and the other half complain they've done something as a couple outside of the apartment.


    nobody's complaining they're and myself are allowed an opinion that's what forums are about, I seem to remember you like to complain to, people in glass house shouldn't throw stones 

    • Haha 1
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  5. 14 hours ago, Deepdave said:

    Tell me Girlsfun2, if were so drunk and drugged that you were incoherent would you still enjoy getting fucked?  Maybe you would be fucked without your approval.  In a parking lot?  How romantic. NOT!  Do you really think Martina enjoyed her fuck or was it possible that she was seduced and raped by Nelly.  I feel very strongly that this was the case.  Martina did not stay around for a second round of what you might call passionate love.  She barely made it home in a taxi according to the translator. 

    The best sex is the unexpected sex and id imagine the sex in parking lot would not have been planned 

  6. 21 minutes ago, jman9212 said:

    She spoke with Alberto about it from the begining. He didn't care for it but she, in her way, was going to do what she wanted and the money was terrific. He came around and helped by screening and sometimes walking her to the hotel which was near them. There also was a person from the agency nearby in case there was a problem. They also had a plan that she would make a message or call to him if she needed help. Over the summer in my calculations I figure she made close to $100,000.00. Acourding to conversations they plan to use it for a home. She wants a motorcycle and maybe a car. Guys and girls try listing to there conversations over dinner watching TV or just sitting around and not having sex. You can learn a mountain of information and a lot of it is in English. Ok now beat me up and laugh at what I posted but every bit of it is the truth so help me god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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