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Everything posted by Solembum

  1. Hard to watch these kids throw their early lives away. If your in a relationship that doesn't work, get out of it! It hurts at first, but no one on here has kids or any real life stakes. RLC would give Leora her own place for sure....right? Leora was soooo hot at first, now she's a train wreck to watch. reality is as reality is, and its painful now to watch the awkwardness of this couple. Will I stop watching? No, I'm a perv like the rest of you. She is smoking and loves to pleasure herself as her man cannot. That's a win. I just feel.....I dunno. Thanks for letting me rant. I pay my good money on the RLC site, so I will give my 2cents.
  2. After the great sex over the week I had hopes....
  3. He should see the movie "Something about Mary". There is a nice tip to prevent PME in there. Its also good hair gel.
  4. Anyway to send this lady some new clothes? Love your slip, hope its clean.
  5. That's right Ladies and Gents...He lasted 2.5 min!! Way to please your woman!
  6. Not sure what the deal is. Irma just left and she has been the only woman in that joint to initiate any sort of sexual anything during the three original ladies stay. This house is on its 3rd or 4th go around of more chicks to dicks and they cant get it to work. I hope and pray they find the correct combination some day.
  7. I bet he doest. And if he does...2 min endurance. Any takers?
  8. Is today the day? Never seen so much effort go into her make-up and hair. She looks gorgeous!
  9. Paul won! he finally wore Leora down. This year for the Holidays, and I have been watching for years, they did nothing. Paul has finally pre cum too many times, fumbled with her body and beat her down! No celebrations, no gifts, no anything! Lame,lame,lame!
  10. like two monkeys trying to fuck a football. So Awkward! Its worse to watch than: Paul fumble with Leora Dasha and Demid ignore each other Maya and Stephan no sex Lev ignoring Zoya for an IPad Adriana and Daniel pop pimples instead of sex Suzan and hector that do not have sex Katka and Lenka.....More awkward lesbians than nina and Kira. WOW! That's most of the cams....waste O' Money! Glad to have it to burn
  11. Marriage? Don't do it, you already have no sex.
  12. lets face it, Leora touching herself has become painful. She is going through the motions for the camera. I love her for this. I believe she is faking it. Faking it has become a part of her life, paul is no man. But its scripted now. She sleeps all the time and acts crazier than ever! Time to trade the car in for a new model. Curvy, passionate and vivacious Irma!
  13. Leora, your out dated and boring. Please take some tips from Irma. Real passion!
  14. This house, its guests....this place is doomed!
  15. You obviously don't know this couple very well. She is bat shit crazy and hes a premature ejaculating, no sex drive, pitiful excuse of a man. They are trapped! He was her first and she is too unbalanced to be on her own. In the years of observing these two we know Leora is educated and gorgeous. He works hard at that computer and serves his country proudly in a reserve capacity. She doesn't work or cant hold down a job. They are the most sexually awkward couple outside of Carina and Sarbrina on that site. These are just observations, but cultivated out of years of conversation and observation. Bye Karma
  16. She looks out that window and drops to the ground in order to get caught! She sees him coming/parking. They have no chemistry. Paul was her first lay/ boyfriend and she is too unbalanced to move on.
  17. Gonzo has 2x the width and girth of Paul tiny soldier
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