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Everything posted by NoOneSpecial

  1. Don't forget, this is all "fake" to get views. Frisky doesn't currently have her nose smashed as hard as she can into Caroline's pelvis right now.
  2. He is also actively trying to get Frisky more drunk, 3rd shot since Gabby left like 20 mins ago.
  3. Try being optimistic sometime.. I am a pessimist also, but it's always good to, as you say... dream.
  4. Caroline is pretty wasted, she looked like she was fighting off puking for a minute.
  5. I stand corrected, figured they came together, they usually leave together. Well now.. this might get interesting. Happy Birthday Caroline?
  6. Gabby and Frisky are getting ready to leave...
  7. Unfortunately, I don't think Gabby is into Park at all. Gabby is just waiting to be there for a worked up Frisky after the flirting and teasing with Caroline is done for the night.
  8. I actually think Park is trying to start something tonight, so I don't think he really cares about what Frisky and Caroline do. He's doing well at keeping the drinks topped off, he literally pushed Caroline onto Frisky earlier, amongst other little things.
  9. They did more than that, but then they heard Park come in from the balcony.
  10. For a little thing, Gabby can put away a lot of food.
  11. Caroline actually is wearing a pad, so not really. She just had her hand near.
  12. She has been there since the 4th.
  13. Oh no.. Frisky is extremely into Caroline.
  14. With Caroline in that dress, there is no way Frisky controls herself tonight... no way...
  15. 18:30 - Gabby and Frisky arrive with balloons and cake and sing Happy Birthday (I assume), in the doorway.
  16. Her birthday, he got the blowjob? lol Granted, at the time she was wearing a pad, but doesn't look like she put one on after the shower.
  17. Caroline getting all dolled up in a sexy dress and Park brought in the big table. Still think just replacing consumption?
  18. Other than the once or twice V&J have came over to see Masha and Roxy was there, I wasn't aware they were friendly. I'm sure Roxy has to have friends other than Masha and Babi.
  19. By boring I mean sitting there staring at her phone. Like I said when it became evident that Masha was going on a trip, would have liked to see her throw a party with some of her friends.
  20. Yeah, she had a failed attempt with a guy friend and then it's been on the boring side except the surprise visit by Babi.
  21. He definitely seems like he was being more of an enabler tonight. He was fully aware of Caroline and Frisky making out in the bedroom, even though they pretended to hide it. He looked like he actually wanted to watch.
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