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Everything posted by NoOneSpecial

  1. Baths are common place for Masha, she spends hours a day in it and gets her friends to join her. Yes, the massage was on the intimate side, but Masha and Roxy do have a little bit of a past. It was probably more show than anything.
  2. I'm not totally convinced Roxy is really bi. It's more of a when she is drunk/high she allows or is coerced into doing things. Yes, Roxy and Masha did fool around, but Roxy was more of a receiver and didn't do anything to Masha.
  3. The B# apartments are mainly populated by sex workers (escorts, strippers, etc), they are there to do shows. The other apartments are at least a little bit more real.
  4. I don't really want to see her get involved with Massimo. If she does, I hope she's smart enough to make him double wrap it.
  5. This is actually smart by RLC. A lot of us don't really watch the B# apartments. Roxy does have a following, so injecting her into B4 might get some of us Roxy followers into watching the B# dramas.
  6. Who will get to her first? Massimo or Amalia/Mati? I suppose whichever gets her wine and coke first.
  7. Maybe she is networking to get an apartment/room eventually?
  8. I guess there could possibly be one there, until recently it would have been blocked by her desk. Now that she has moved that, we'll have to see.
  9. I think just the one next to the cam or at least it's the only one I've seen her fiddle with.
  10. I'm sorry you feel that way, it isn't intentional. We have agreed and had pleasant back and forths before. It'll happen again, I have faith!
  11. She just opened the window that's next to that camera, she didn't block it by hanging anything. It's just temporary.
  12. New friends have arrived.. a couple it appears.
  13. I think they may have refinished the floors too. It's one of the first things that stuck out to me when I viewed the apartment after it came back up.
  14. Just out of curiosity, are you going by them actually saying or by dialect? (I'm not doubting anything, just wondering)
  15. If it only took him 3 days to cheat on her with Tatiana after moving into RLC, it's probably a safe assumption he's got side chicks outside RLC too. Probably gets to her every now and then. Who knows why she puts up with it.
  16. Why do you have the impression she is gay to begin with? Because she is friends with Val and Jul?
  17. He tried to start a threesome last time, she ended up crying and leaving.
  18. Park has been off work the past few days.
  19. From what I've seen in other apartments, they just run CAT along the ceiling edges and use cable covers. Nearby power outlets probably dictate where cameras go, somewhat.
  20. Just a minor nitpick.. you still have Samantha listed with Dasha & Sasha, she left 11/15/23.
  21. Frisky seems to only allow minimal things done to her.
  22. He works 2 different shifts, which seem to alternate weekly. One he is gone from 5:00 - 15:00, the other he is gone 14:00 - 24:00.
  23. Last week when Park was trying to start a threesome, when Park tried to get touchy feely with Frisky a couple times, she literally got up and ran to the otherside of the room.
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