My advice to Masha.
1. Get control of the substances. They've completely altered your life, you're now up all night and sleep all day. All your friends have been pushed away, you're not making the best choices in men.
2. Speaking of men, maybe take a break from them for a bit. You'll probably get better support, especially emotional, from a girlfriend at this time to work through your issues.
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RLC Replay
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Edit: Suppose I should have labeled these. 1st one, anger at the viewers. 2nd one, begging for sympathy from the viewers.
By the looks of it, Demian at least darkened her arm tattoo and then darkened the heart tattoo on her side. Hard to tell if he changed or added to the arm tattoo, didn't find a good view of it before it got wrapped.
Medusa talked to Demian about the tattoo about a month or so ago when she visited. Don't know if the conversation was fixing or adding to it, but he agreed he'd work on it.
I think it's the intial plan, given Masha showering and putting on lingerie. But things tend to go sideways once they start visiting the powder room frequently.
Sorry, I'm late to the party and didn't see what transpired, but how funny would it have been if when Elvis arrived, he just shook the hand of the new guy and they teamed up yelling at Masha.