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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. It was when they put some kind of honey treatment on their legs one night, some beauty thing, and you had to slap the skin when you did. There was a screen shot of the 2 of them laughing as they did it. But it caused a reaction on Malia, she had that rash for quite a few days after.
  2. To summarise as simply as possible - The Russian apts got closed down in 2019, and Leora and Paul were offered a move abroad. At the time, Paul wasn't keen so it was agreed Leora would go on ahead to keep the job going. He went to Prague for Xmas that year. Soon after, Malia who is one of Leora's oldest friends moved in for what was meant to be 3 months. In the middle of it, Covid happened so she couldn't go home. When this happened it was obvious Paul couldn't move anyway, so there was a sort of mutual agreement that they could casually date whilst apart. She dated a guy we called LB on and off for about 18 months, he never appeared in the apt though, she only saw him outside. But all this time she still spoke to Paul literally every day throughout. Malia then finally had to leave after overstaying her visa, but by this point she had fallen for a guy who she dated in Prague before he went back home to Ukraine, so when she left she went there rather than back to Russia, and they are now married. The other girl was never officially living there, Zena as we called her, she was 'In between' places so Leora said she could stay there there for a while. She was going back home herself, so her stay was temp anyway. All this time, Leora was helping Paul get his visa, he failed first time in 2021 but succeeded second time. Of course, as soon as the Ukraine war began there was panic as he is a Reservist, so Leora was absolutely determined to get him out of Russia as soon as possible. The simple truth is the plan always was for Paul to go to Prague, it just took a lot longer than originally anticipated.
  3. They met and began dating late 2011. They joined RLC in June 2013.
  4. Bet he wishes he had been too....
  5. Good distraction too, as her dad would most likely want to talk about the Slovak PM.
  6. L&P big shag time.
  7. It's stupid isn't it. The way people decide to look at things - LB didn't exist, despite being seen, heard and talked about on cam multiple times. Now, Leora is having an affair simply because she puts perfume on before going out, something she does regularly. You know what this is - A hope by some she IS seeing someone else, simply because they hate Paul. That's how low this sinks. Utterly worthless.
  8. OT but saw from the thumbs and reading what people had written, that Linda and Tibor now have a duvet cover with a massive Boudoir style picture of them on it. Love to see the reactions of some here if Leora had one made of her and Paul. 🙂
  9. FTR, to make it clear, the war started February 2022, Paul had already begun the long Visa process to join Leora in summer 2021.
  10. Those of us who followed it all closely, including yourself, have that benefit over those who didn't, and it was always there wasn't it. It was Covid that a) Kept Malia there for longer than planned, b) Kept Paul in Russia longer than planned and c) Gave her the time to date LB To fill the void (no pun intended). She was hardly running out all the time to see LB was she, the amount of time she was home instead, so people shouldn't forget that. If he was that great, she certainly didn't show it many times did she!
  11. At least pull over, think about your passengers.
  12. This had to be the one topic i Authored this year didn't it.
  13. Leora and Paul #15.
  14. Can't say that anymore, it's now a "Non binary LGBQT++ All pronoun" jacket. You'll get 20 years in Scotland.
  15. It's a valid point, in that things are different, there's no doubting that, but there are mitigating factors to why things are different in some ways. Age - Slowing down? Not as 'Into' being so much of a extrovert like she used to? Wanting things as they are - She looks fine and dandy to me, she NEVER does anything she doesn't want to, we all know this. But in terms of Paul, one thing that is easy to forget. In the old days, where was he? Home, his home city. All his mates and family there. Now, in Prague where he knows one person. It's not the same life for either of them, but especially Paul. It all looks the same to US, because they are on a computer screen. To them, very different. He left behind his family, flat, friends to travel 3000 miles because it's what they wanted. That for anyone is a big deal isn't it. So let's not forget the 'Behind the scenes' alterations. He simply has far fewer options in Prague than he had before at home. This is only about what's changed, yes he could go out more, of course, but that is another point altogether. Leora will know what some viewers are saying too.
  16. I have to remind you Aussie, remember when she first moved to Prague and for a long time Malia was there, she regularly stayed up till 5,6 am, or even out till that time. She once even said she felt sometimes she had to stay up because of the time differences with some audiences. So now she is overall much more 'normal' in her time keeping i would say. Getting out of bed late afternoon was something we got used to, some winter days she hardly saw daylight. You have to remember that.
  17. I still think after all these years, it's sweet how they still look at each other, mates for life. In a time where relationships get shorter and shorter, it shows told fashioned love exists. Might sound sappy but so! Better than viewing them just as a piece of product like some do.....
  18. Wasn't that by the Bellamy Brothers?
  19. No, he didn't tell her to stop, he was talking about Eva opening the door just after he had pulled it to, so the music went loud again as a result. It looked like it but wasn't.
  20. What absolutely outrageous behaviour from Paul. I mean, going to bed quietly which allows Leora to do whatever she wants, only for him to then be woken up by her because she wants to be with him, and then consent to having fun which she initiates. How dare he!!😠
  21. Oh right. I'm just looking forward to seeing the modified 'Drone Fan' which you claim he's making. Whatever that would be.
  22. Leora's facing cam 10, in case anyone is interested in that rather than finding anything to lay on Paul 😄
  23. "Love is in the pair". Nice pun, nice message!
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