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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I wouldn't think millionaires, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this and working, would they?
  2. If things changed, then you'd know the Bank manager isn't happy! And i think it will be a very long time before he was asked for an overdraft, don't you! Just a case of keeping things ticking over.
  3. Maybe that's why the Koala and Panda were moved, more money for it that way.... You know that old thing of finding money down the back of the sofa? Now you know why!
  4. Make the cheque payable to Mr. C.Ouch. Or Peter Couch, Peter Cushion or P.W Sofa. Terrible.
  5. That's hilarious. Cam 2 is in the top thumbs, ahead of the bedroom cams. And she's been in bed half an hour. Unless rlc are fucking around again.
  6. If some are wondering why i am having decent chats with people who i have argued with in the past, well it's simple. Life's Too Short. I'm past arguing over nothing. Exactly one week ago, i got the biggest reality slap in the face, and since then, being alone with just my thoughts has made me re-evaluate things, and what's important in life. And what are we arguing about? A woman who none of us know, will ever know and lets face it, can survive very easily - And comfortably - without us. So what if someone has a different opinion to me? What does it matter in the end. And this is what i tried to get across last week. Perspective. We can get easily lost in this rlc world, i myself have done, but now it's like, what is it? An entertainment site, that's all. Things are staged and planned? It's no shock anymore is it. So, we can get along. Because at the end of the day, does it all matter? No, far from it. Life can change in an instant. And you can't get it back. Remember this.
  7. All i can say is they both know certainly about their lives in the separate countries, so he knows about LB. Won't be interested (!) but he knows. As far as anything else, only she knows. I have never condoned what she does, either way, as it creates a house of cards that can collapse. That's why when i see people say they want her to do something with D, that would only make things a heck of a lot worse! As for the constant arguments, i genuinely have always thought this, in its most simple terms, why she gets so frustrated, so angry to the point of exploding, why he seems to do something wrong all the time. He isn't Paul.
  8. I know, and that's why i thought tonight, after a few days in. But no. Yet will probably call him late on, again. Anyway, does look like a show is being prepped.
  9. I totally get what you mean, but right from the off, all she wanted was casual - And this is what she has had. She told him she would never give him what he wanted, full time thing, and we see it. I still maintain the position of how can someone behave like a man is their one and only on the phone, yet hardly see them even when they can. How can he therefore be THAT important. I still think its' a power trip thing. And this is without the Paul factor. And she has never called LB on video, not even once.
  10. Very true, and talks all girly on the phone, can't stop texting.....So wouldn't you think they would be together all the time as a result? Yet it is the complete opposite. THE most bizarre relationship i have ever known.
  11. Yep. Remember late last year, when Malia was away for 8 nights over 2 weeks? Leora was home each of those nights. How long did she see LB for? 30 minutes. And she told Sasha on skype "He's getting 30 minutes only", when he rang the intercom. Literally just half an hour in 8 full nights.
  12. She video calls Paul regular! Seriously, only last week he was there on cam. And, for whatever reason, he always has his shirt off! Seen him in his car, at home...So you have missed it, trust me, no reason to lie, it happens regularly even now. Last time i saw him, Eva was next to him.
  13. It was worse a bit ago, there were a lot more! Since Malia left, really it should be just Leora home page, there isn't need for a separate fan page.
  14. Because she didn't do anything, that's why. You didn't miss a thing. One person only claimed she did.
  15. She is watching what looks and sounds like a dance class video. There is the answer!
  16. But when does she see him? Last time she could have seen him was Sunday, and there is guarantee she did. Now it's Wednesday. The last night she had away was 2 Saturdays ago. Each week, it's the same. Now she is alone, she is actually seeing less of him. Must be. Unless it's snatching a couple of hours here, a couple of hours there. We see the evidence simply because of how much she is on cam. It's not even part time some weeks. There is only one legit reason - He isn't in town and is working away, if it's not that....Then it can only be choice. Because just a few hours a week certainly doesn't look like commitment of any kind to me, despite her being able to see him any time she liked.
  17. Yeah, back and everything in the wash. Some class, Ste called it right for me. Paul on the phone.
  18. They do look more, dare i say it, cheaper than her usual wear, so that would make sense. Can't see it being exercise in denim, but certainly a dance class is very possible.
  19. Where though, he doesn't live in Prague and they said goodbye last night. No i think Ste could have called it, the only other possible reason would be for photographs, like when Malia had some taken after having something done at the salon, like for demonstration use by the business. Leora has been paying close attention to her eyebrows recently, so that is the only thing i thought another outfit could have been for.
  20. That's a good possibility, yeah. Would explain the trainers, although you'd think she'd put them on anyway.
  21. About 2 weeks ago. They made both cams in Malia's room free as soon as she went in - Then locked them about 2 minutes later. So someone at RLC was paying a lot of attention.
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