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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Or perhaps seeing her boyfriend. Stop writing him out of the story. They are still together.
  2. When she left, she took a separate outfit with her, denim shorts and a shirt but also socks and another pair of trainers. So that means she is getting changed completely at some point. The last time she could have been with LB was Sunday afternoon, and she did call him after bating at Midnight last night, so possibly could have met him, maybe not.
  3. He doesn't live in Prague, he travels into the city to see her and also someone else he knows there. He comes in on the train, so she only sees him when he visits her. In the past she and Malia would meet him at the station. He has bought some food and drink before, i will say that, but usually she provides stuff. I highly doubt he gives her any money.
  4. Told you. Too predictable again. Soon as she looked at her phone, smiling at what she saw while glancing at the cam like last Thursday and Saturday, i could see it coming a mile off. And then on the couch with toy. Believe me, there's no fun being able to keep calling this! Where's the surprise factor gone? I don't want to see her fast become a robot.
  5. And every time she does, next day has sinus trouble. She never learns!
  6. Nah, she's going to wreck her lungs and throat again with the shisha by the looks of it!
  7. No i don't think, don't get that impression, not this late. I could be wrong, but doesn't look it to me.
  8. Some of both her and Malia's music choices do leave a lot to be desired, i agree!
  9. Exactly, she suddenly closes her legs and 5 seconds later he walks past. Of course she knew, it was more for the cams than anything.
  10. Also he is 3000 miles away back in Siberia. He's never been on camera anyway. But i know what you mean. Family is separate isn't it for a lot, and they do keep in touch, which with that distance is good.
  11. He took his backpack and they half-hugged goodbye.
  12. I would imagine private stuff perhaps, she doesn't want everything heard. 2 weeks ago, her Dad called her and she told him she'd call back and left to do so. Not everything she says is for public is it.
  13. Put her earphones in and made a call and left. She did phone Paul briefly just before Douche left.
  14. It's not much fun being able to predict well in advance, we seem to be very adept at this recently.
  15. Well he's going but the chess set is left, so he may return, i believe he visits other people when in Prague. But they did have a sort of hug goodbye, so that says he isn't. Now, i wonder if she'll put on a show?
  16. I totally agree with all that. He could very well be in on this plan. In fact, i think it's highly likely. He knew the first time was to provide cover, he would know she was going out all weekend, so yes, i think she will have discussed everything, which is why whatever we see is staged. If people thought what happened with Malia was fake, then this would be even more so.
  17. And people said Malia cramped her style....🤨
  18. Maybe, she is having a good laugh right now so may want go out to calm down....
  19. She just isn't though is she, her phone is in the bedroom.
  20. Well all i can say is her life is so messed up and full of secrets and hiding things that at some point things could unravel quickly, and it will all be her own doing. I can't have any sympathy as it's how she has chosen to live. The Leora of Prague is a very different one to the one from Krasnoyarsk. She's playing with a delicate house of cards, and anything could fall.
  21. I understand what you say, and on the face of it - Yes. He DOES get what he wants simply because no matter how bad she reacts, she always forgives and runs back to him. She told her mate she hadn't spoken to him for a week and felt better, 24 hours later called him and was laughing with him. So that alone is contradictory. But it is still only part time, he has asked her to go out or go to his and she is the one who refuses and stays home. Plus translations like she can't give him what he wants, like a full time BF/GF thing, shows she is less committed than he is. I still personally believe it is the other way. I can't see her being under his control at all, knowing what she's like. But she can't let go, that is clear as day. And even if Paul does visit for a week or 2, LB will be there to go straight back to.
  22. No, this was about her Boyfriend, who has not been to the apartment. About what he would think if he watched her.
  23. Of course it is! Is LB that terrible to make to scream and cry all the time? No. Is he then so wonderful and clever to fix things so quickly? No. There will be nothing most of the time, and he must think "Why i am always doing something wrong, but get forgiven so easily?", because that always happens. Screams her head off then is all giggly. No one can be that much in the wrong then fix it all so quickly. Especially when it still goes on after nearly 18 months. It shows you where her head is nowadays, all over the place. And i would hate to think he's so besotted and weak that if he knew he'd say to her "Ok, i know you want your ex back, but i will stick with you until then"..... She is probably pissing herself laughing reading all this.
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