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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I know it's only because she is messing with her hair after washing it, but then in bed she pushed into a full side parting, so most swept across rather than down. That really suited her! She should try that.
  2. STARGAZER!!!!!🤩 Only 'Do You Close Your Eyes' left, and she's heard all the classics.
  3. Leora's new favourite band.....(You have to be British to get the joke).
  4. Soon as i encourage her to listen to more, she turns it off! Typical!
  5. DO YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES Listen to that one too! You'll love it.
  6. Go on, play Stargazer! It's long and dramatic but it's considered THE Rainbow classic! This is the best stuff she's played in a long time for me personally!
  7. Getting them all, now Long Live Rock & Roll, Temple Of The King....
  8. Fair to say her favourite band of the week is Rainbow. ALL NIGHT LONG! Good choice girl, see!....😃
  9. Those other trainers have hurt her heels by the looks of it, had to put plasters on.
  10. Back now, and the clothes are back too, so has been doing something possibly salon related.
  11. Well all i can say is, the longer she is out, i don't think she has been in just one place, so yes, i am inclined to accept it could be part of it. But all speculation of course, no one knows.
  12. Don't forget, it is a weekend so classes can easily be in the daytime instead. She may have gone to a gym, a fitness workout, that's possible. But with how long she's been out, she could instead be helping out at the salon cleaning etc, which she has done in the past as well.
  13. It's her white denim shorts she takes as well as the trainers and brown shirt, so that is her Dance class clothes, or maybe even salon work perhaps as it's a different day. As for the make up, well, what do all women at those kind of things want to do as well as learn? Outshine the other women!
  14. She's certainly been home a lot more than anyone expected since being alone, for sure.
  15. Yeah, like just fine in herself, nothing wrong but just an average night.
  16. I have absolutely no idea what she did! How can i!😄
  17. I know you say that, but looking again, she seems totally normal, not unhappy, but like she's just come home from nothing of interest.
  18. She came home just after 1.30am, and looked as normal as possible. Like she'd had an totally uneventful night. Got washed, food, and was asleep less than an hour later. Did a little texting but not much. She's just called Paul a few minutes ago.
  19. I have seen on the thumbs it's like an Aladdin's Cave! If she threw all the bags over, it would take her all night! Malia may have been untidy at times, but in comparison she is spotless!
  20. True, i do think it looks more like an office to be honest! The old place was much more homely. She has bought flowers for herself at times, trouble is flowers go off quickly! If she finishes the drawings she has started, she may want to frame them or hang them, which would be a good idea. She started a painting yesterday but stopped quickly, because she didn't have the right paints. She told Paul she needed acrylics instead.
  21. It depends though, she did talk about them to a charity worker, so may have to go with it. I'd have thought they would have gone by now..... We'll see! I wasn't surprised that she came home, after the problems there seems to have been, maybe taking things a little cautiously.
  22. Just remember Aussie - The Bears are still in the apartment. Maybe hidden yes, but still there. While there's time, there's hope for you!
  23. I don't guess, nor does GH or the other translators, it would be wrong to. Anything written has either been said out loud, or can be seen. Otherwise it just confuses things and leads to speculation. So if we say she is speaking to Paul for example, it's because we know she is etc.
  24. Because 5 minutes before leaving she called LB and said where to meet him, she will walk there.
  25. Unless she has been meeting him during the day again, which is entirely possible.
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