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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. They are all over the place right now! For a few weeks, they have been opening and closing cams in all apartments, some days all cams are locked, some days many are free - But only for a short while. So it can change any time. Yes, this will be to recruit new subs, Leora the other week went into the other room to start a show, the cams were made free, as soon as she got going, they locked them!
  2. They have been making all cams free at times in the last couple of days, then locking all of them. It keeps changing all the time. Right now, cam 8 is free.
  3. She doesn't look in a rush for anything today, does she!
  4. What you have to remember Piper is that she was with the man she wanted, he must have done something right! And she still wants him there now. Paul is much more than just the sex element to her.
  5. Now changes her mind and into the other room! See, All Natural! Maybe she will be away then this weekend.
  6. Difficult to see this as anything remotely natural J, it has to be said! They're getting too planned. Mind you when i do say it, i get told off for being a naughty boy!🥺
  7. Another pit stop! 😆 But got her cream out, so something will be done.
  8. If she has been for a lesson it was much shorter than it has been, it could have been earlier in the week this week. Certainly isn't today, like it has been on a Friday recently.
  9. Dunno, it's quite early even today, and there is Saturday and Sunday to come.
  10. She knows when she's beaten! 😆 But it looks like Leora has nothing do for a while. She may even stop in all night, no guarantee she'll leave.
  11. No, of course, her salon lesson wasn't today, like it has been unless it's later on. But it does seem like this is very similar to last night, this is the main part for her day today. And she is looking at the cams now more than she has done for a long time, it's become part of the show again. She's bringing older things back into it. Jugg will be happy!
  12. AH!! I see! This is why this is happening. It's Leora v Radislava again!!
  13. ....Which she is ignoring because she far too busy texting away.
  14. God clearly had a sense of humour when he created Woman, after all, he put the Playground right next to the Sewage farm.
  15. Yes she just called Paul, and she was on Skype last night as you saw. But she did make a 1am call, difficult to know who, but it was either LB or Malia - Whichever it was, she looked totally bored with what they were saying to her, even rolled her eyes at one point....And she was the one who made the call.....
  16. Hey, if you call it that, there's one or two forum members may think it's not a protest but an offer 😦
  17. Ste is right Aussie sorry, some charity may be about to benefit from a gift, but! You may be in luck, as a certain someone appears to be back in her good books again. So they could earn a second reprieve!
  18. It looks to me like she has some gastric stuff still, and i wonder if it could be down to changing diets, she's been on lots of tomatoes and veg lately.
  19. ...And i will tell you something else that doesn't agree with her! She looks in discomfort now, pressing her belly and under her ribs, and i bet i know why. How she is lying. She only ate a bit ago, and is lying on her side. So the food hasn't digested properly and it's causing cramps, taken another antacid then. Never lie like that after eating!
  20. She doesn't agree with this documentary! Shaking her head and muttering. Not surprised, looks like it's about medieval torture. In fact it's upsetting her. With the last couple of weeks she's had, she doesn't need more upset!
  21. Hmm, come back in with something resembling a bag, then taken a pile of new clothes off the chair and put them on the ironing board, cuts the tags off. Also puts a new pack of tights alongside them. So something's been brought back for her, what it is though, not sure. So the clothes are presents for someone else or just herself? Interesting.
  22. Well, no prizes for guessing who, is there! In fact, maybe even be there in person. And same time she went out Monday night too.
  23. Brokk called it! Off downstairs with her phone, but left the door wide open?
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