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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I think she's flicking from programme to programme, back to medieval stuff now.
  2. Well spotted! I did see something Navy-ish then, yes.
  3. Not sure but sounds like a documentary. Perhaps connected with her lessons.
  4. And there was an element of surprise still, we never really knew if something would happen and if so, what that would be. But that's all gone now. And there is only so much that she can do herself. Doesn't give me any pleasure in feeling this way.
  5. Maybe, but she told him to get some rest before, so i doubt it.
  6. No, not sure about the call, but i agree this looks deliberately longer than usual.
  7. I'm sure all tenants get from time to time a "kick up the arse" email, if things are not as they want, even Leora could and she is by far sometimes the most popular.
  8. I do wonder when any exams will be, no doubt she'll do well, just thought all of a sudden how far off they could be.
  9. Hence why Thursday is Show Night! This is what i mean. We know why this now happens. I don't like being negative towards her, honest i don't but i have to be truthful, this is just going through the motions each week. I have to be honest, it's far too obvious.
  10. Where's the spontaneity and subtlety gone Blue? It's regular as clockwork, the last 4 Thursdays, 6 bates, and that's not good to call well in advance is it! And that's how it becomes robotic! It's a totally valid, legitimate argument.
  11. Yeah, as soon as she put the gown on, i said 2 hours ago, 4th consecutive Thursday Show night. Sorry! But this is now all very predictable! And where is the fun in knowing 2 hours beforehand?
  12. Thursday Show night begins. Last 3 Thursdays, she's done 5 bates, so you may get at least one tonight, just depends on the time.
  13. All she has to do is stick her arse at cam 9 and it's top cam all night! It's amazing how easy this is nowadays. Does not look good for the rest of the site does it? I bet even she can't believe it is now.
  14. You know what Blue, you have a bloody good point. Monday, started watching it, then went out for 3 hours instead. Last night, had a bath then watched something far too late as a result. Tonight, starts watching and is now distracted by her phone, texting once again. She simply cannot concentrate, and i bet thinking about the cams plays a part too. Mind you, she does have night after night of, well, not much, so she's hardly in a rush is she. If a test was about the history of Prague salons and nail bars, she'd get a first.
  15. Those grapes never seem to disappear! The plate always looks full 😄
  16. No talk, so if she is, then it's texting. She was texting on the couch soon after coming home.
  17. No need to apologise at all! She called him, then stopped to get her food, then called him back, told him to get some rest. Paul does have a beard at times now, yes.
  18. She called her Dad, then called Paul on Skype, then collected her food.
  19. It was Paul. Why people think Douche plays such a big part is weird (apart from helping her with cam views of course). He's there again.
  20. Oh she has feelings for him of course, would be silly to think otherwise and he does mean something to her undoubtedly. But compared to Paul, he is a distant second.
  21. Well that's the whole thing. It has never been more than part time, regardless of who made that decision, and she herself said she can't give him what he wants, and that she doesn't want to live with him. And right now after 18 months, it has not moved on at all. It's just the same this September as it was last September. We can see this. Yet all the arguments continue month after month. But desperately clinging on to one another even though it clearly doesn't work. She very well may call him outside, i can see that but of course we would never know. I do agree that she may be in fear of losing Paul. But even if that happened, even by mutual consent, i just don't see her suddenly going to LB and making it full time. I don't see him being anywhere near what Paul is to her.
  22. The dressing gown with nothing underneath could be a sign she is willing to do something tonight, even with being On, you never know. It is a Thursday night after all! It has been a show night the last 3 weeks.
  23. No calls in the apartment since last Sunday, yet that one was all nice. So something happened after this, but i do feel at least one of them is trying to fix it, he's still around. Don't forget, around the start of the year, calls went to hardly any being made, it was all to Paul, but she and LB were still together then.
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