Seriously pay a subscription to see just a pair of breasts, how do you like it?
Between those who hide, the offline cameras, those who only sleep, those who drink to vomit, do you like it?
Me I stop the subscription for this shit site, on CAM4 and Chaturbate it's free and we see more and pretty girls
You're right Jabbath I wonder why we have to pay a subscription on VH to see shit
Apart from seeing Amelie with the cock in her mouth it's always Lucas' hairy ass that hides everything lol
Apartments or certain cameras are deliberately disconnected, diverted, or hidden so that we do not see anything, it gives a rather lamentable idea of VH
What squish said is real, during their session the curtains were drawn and as soon as it was over they opened them = thank you for us
But on Chaturbate it's light and in front of the camera
On VH it's shit
I agree too. The goal of VHTV is to make us enjoy what we pay while now VHTV gives the possibility to these couples to make money on chaturbate to the detriment of those who pay VHTV.
Their answer does not satisfy me either because these couples if they want to do Chaturbate while they do it from home