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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. All this going off camera bs to the garage when you are paying so much money a month is just a slap in the face to the customers especially when its during a party
  2. cant help but notice the amount of "partys" in b4 the last couple of weeks. RLC getting desperate.
  3. its not going to happen but the ideal scenario would be kick the b2 girls out of the project and replace them with b1 and then get some new girls or veterans to fill in b1
  4. Rlc can now sleep peacefully knowing they don't have to worry about noise complaints. What a downgrade and sorry state rlc is in.
  5. I'm not renewing untill megan comes back and all the b2 and b4 girls have fucked off
  6. I think he means kick out the b2 girls and put b1 in there
  7. Not just the gov tenants but the boring couples too in Prague
  8. Another mystery is why the girls were listed under perminant residents and not gov tenants. Was the original plan to keep these girls in b1 permanently? This is so messed up
  9. Wow very disappointing i feel like we didn't really see the best of ulyama and thank god my subscription ended today and I will not be renewing.
  10. the only thing you lot are going to see between radi and dani is whats already happening between radi and mila. If im wrong i will renew my subscription
  11. She's the main reason why I'm not renewing my subscription and she epitomises whats wrong with rlc
  12. Its worth noting that someone last week said that b1 were looking at villas on their phones so but then why did rlc go through the trouble to create new cams just for a one month stay or we they be replaced and b1 the apartment won't close down... who knows
  13. It could be that Olivia birthday party was when they had the dinner party with all their bfs and the b4 party yesterday was a leaving party. Seems very strange that they all leaving at the same time and thank god my subscription ends today because b1 were the only ones keeping me interested
  14. The point is is that if the apartments and the villa full of girls who are into other girls you are most likely to get real lesbian sex instead of the scripted massages and shows. The fun would be the anticipation that we could see some real action at anytime expecially when there's a party and alcohol involved like the night when nelly, Martina, Megan and Holly and some other girl all participated on lesbian action. Anyway I'm done now.
  15. Here we go again... look Its a porn website whether you think it is or not. Keep being in denial rlc look at the stats rlc is a sinking ship. 90% real? Wow you are more deluded then I thought almost everything on tlc these days is clickbait
  16. Yeah it's different all right but what i meant was real lesbian sex between real people like nelly and Martina
  17. Because its a porn website? The problem is rlc signing girls who are not into other girls. For the gov concept to work you need girls who are into other girls like nelly, masha and Martina otherwise it doesn't work and we get a load of gatherings where nothing happens.
  18. I signed up to rlc because I was bored of them porn websites and wanted something different.
  19. Again people are forgetting this is a porn website and the reason why rlc is crashing down because they are not delivering what people signed up for. When we see a villa full of girls at a party me and everyone else should expect a some kind of real lesbian action but we always get nothing. If you enjoy seeing girls talk for hours in a language most of you don't understand then good for you
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