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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. almost everything on rlc is clickbait these days
  2. i guess im the only one who saw fiora kissing harley
  3. nelly and bogdan gone for 2 weeks and b4 is still boring. Its almost like the girls are just boring atleast with N&B you got some sex and drama
  4. The top 18 popular scenes in the last 24 hour are all tereza, timur and Masha. Clickbait worked.
  5. its clear to me that radi would rather live in b2 or b1. I dont think she feels 100% comfortable living in the villa
  6. i wonder when we will see ulyanas bf shes the odd one out so far.
  7. i expect something to happen between hanna and masha
  8. you and other people are acting like when nelly and bog were in the villa there was never any gatherings and parties.
  9. nothings happened yet and while B&N were living in the villa they were some big parties
  10. you wouldnt think that they fucked each other giving that they didnt even look at each other last night. He was only interested in the twins
  11. bruno smashed her phone, shouted abuse at her and yet shes the one begging him for forgiveness. This really is pathetic from both of them
  12. Then rlc should adapt to the current climate and get rid of the gov concept and start recruiting locals
  13. radi has actually sat on the couch all day doing the same pose. Shes worse then leora.
  14. every time i switch on rlc radi and leora are doing the exact same thing and are always the top 2 cams. Whos copying who? Its beyond a joke
  15. you are getting sad and confused emojis because people dont like bruno which is fair enough but i want those people to tell me who else provides hot guests, parties, sexual content and drama on a regular basis? the answer is no one and if gina and bruno are in b4 we are guaranteed parties, hot guests, drama and sex which no one else provides.
  16. no way hanna is drinking again after being drunk last night and causing trouble again. She has some serious issues
  17. i have always said despite bruno being a asshole and gina being a alcoholic this is the best apartment.
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