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Posts posted by billycox

  1. now you know how i feel. check the posts for the last two weeks and see how many replies i've gotten that reflect more than junior high school giggling.

    these people in m & h's apartment have some serious issues.

    how can they live this way day after day?

    this whole house of cards is going to come crashing down one of these days.

    or else they will quietly slip away into oblivion.

    then what?  it's still a fascinating place, but for all the wrong reasons.

    maybe i should go on hiatus again. nobody cares anyway.

    happy weekend.

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  2. looks like another exciting evening in store.

    the little girl has a neck support  on. she is tended by mr. speckles who also has a good hold on mira. would he know what to do with her?

    pointy beard is at the end of the couch alone drinking his beer one drop at a time, and henry is next to him in the high-backed chair blotting out the sun.

    let's see what thrills they have in store for us.

    happy friday!

  3. it's been a while, so surely something must be happening.  don't bet on it.

    speckled guy is still wearing the same jean shorts. they must be ripe by now,

    mira is underdressed, as usual, and is constantly in touch with annoying litttle dog.

    henry is all over the room with that view-blocking high backed chair.

    the dark haired girl who has been here many times has arrived with a guy i've never seen before. could they be the start of something interesting?

    will henry screw it up? will they sit there like an oil painting? will the speckled guy get over his insecurities and allow the little one to have some unregulated fun?

    will we ever see a fun evening here again as in the good old days?

    stey tuned and don't hold your breath.

  4. back indeed.

    looking good? not so sure i agree.

    mira is as moody and hyper as ever. will change like the wind.

    henry is looking older but not wiser and is his old pushy self.

    the little dog is like an ant at a picnic.

    the speckled guy doesn't know whether to shit or go blind.

    and the little girl is slow and resigned to a colorless life.

    other than that...

    maybe i should just stop depressing myself and quit watching.

    sorry for raining on the parade.

  5. upon further refection. the reasonable conclusions are as follows:

    people are tuning in to see activity among and between couples. no one wants to spend a saturday night watching people just sitting around.

    why do these people who are hosting this event think that anyone will tune in?

    anyone care to make a wager as to how long the people in charge of this site will let this go on?

    and finally, have we ever met anyone as insecure as mr. speckles? he is a nervous wreck when she gets out of his sight, and clings to her in front of the guests.

    this is not a recipe for an exciting evening.

    i'll shut up now and go take a nap.











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  6. that may very well be. however, it raises the question about the dog chasing the truck: what does he do with it when he catches it?

    they had a bunch of people over recently and had no idea how to move the party along toward any sexual interchange. all they did was hide off to the side and cling to each other.

    perhaps this is satisfying to them, but it is a terrible bore to us,

    and, for some reason. i still feel sorry for this little girl. isn't she out of her element?

    i wish them luck, but i'm not hopeful.

  7. just a couple of thoughts.................

    out  of morbid curiousity, i checked in here about 45 minutes ago.

    we now have the speckled guy and the little dark haired girl here full time - at least for the time being.

    i watched in fascination as they went about their uneventful lives without once ever speaking to each other.

    they live only in the electronic world of the screen..

    what are they thinking? what are their plans? what interests them in life? are they able to form ideas to any  degree and communicate them back and forth?

    the girl seems like a sweet little person who utterly has no purpose in life.

    the guy stares into a variety of screens, wears the same pants every day. has nothing to say or anthing interesting to do.

    i know people watch for some kind of sexual interchange, but even that will be boring, if and when it ever happens.

    when i was young, i had hamsters who were more interesting to watch than thee two.

    and, for some reason, i feel so sorry for this little girl.

    george orwelll has probably turned over in his grave for the last time.

    happy sunday everyone!

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  8. just a point of disagreement plum.  with all due respect to your point of view, if mira never comes back it will be ok with me. she's attractive to a point, but something is seriously wrong with her. she's not the queen she thinks she is.

    but...only my opinion.

    one thing for sure,,,this place needs a spark from somewhere or it's lights out very soon.

  9. these are very nice people but it's like watching paint dry.

    the blond has possibilities. thank god we don't have to put up with the little dog anymore.

    i think the young couple now staying here are trying hard, but they are unclear on the concept.

    i feel sorry for the little girl who is stuck with mr. speckles.

    he coukd not be more boring.

  10. i don't think anyone is leaving quite yet,

    the little dark haired girl and the speckled guy are obviously a couple. they probably have ambitions to have a site of their own. that;s why they put up with henry for so long. they're staying put until this thing is resolved.

    and what about mira and henry? this is all they have done for years. what happens if they actually have to work for a living?

    could one of them live alone here or elsewhere and attract enough interest in their "parties" to make us want to watch?

    can they reconcile enough so that you don't have to cut the tension with a knife?

    damned if they do - damned if they don't   maybe

    and where is henry right now?

    the next couple of days should be interesting..

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  11. everything was going fine earlier when i checked in. another regular couple was there, along with the blond and a new ;i think] boyfriend. 

    eight people altogether. something happened to piss off mira, and everyone and the dog left

    the couple that has been staying there are all remain along with henry,

    this should be interesting to keep an eye on.  mira has changed drastically lately and pretty much runs the show.

    so now what?

  12. what is going on here? i only check in every few days since henry became the 2nd lapdog in the place.

    he can be annoying. but at least there was some action.

    now he behaves as if he's afraid of queen mira.

    with her controlling everything. even premeditated sex is BORING.

    not much reason to watch any more unlesss henry is turned loose to at least get the balling from time to time.

    is he afraid of mira?  why?

  13. plum.............thank you. you just saved me from writing the same thing

    i agree with you completely

    jerk that he is, things were still more fun when henry coukd be his old self.

    i assume that she has told him that it's her way or the highway.

    too bad. tonight could have been REEAALLY interesting.

    thanks again plum for saying what had to be said

    now we are both on her shit list.

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