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Posts posted by billycox

  1. I think you're right in this particular situation , but it was deans presence that made her ithe pain in the ass she can become.

    in short, separately, she's ok. he's never ok in ANY situation. the real question is: why are they together in the first place? were they ever fun? there seems to be some disagreement about this, so it's best for me to just stop watching until dean leaves.


  2. candy is no bundle of joy, but she's lots more fun when dean is not around. dean is beginning to remind me of rockhead. he just brings everything to a halt, no matter the situation. annoying, unclever, insecure and not very bright are the ingredients for wanting him elsewhere. lexy is much too polite to tell him to buzz off, but she is clearly uncomfortable around him. it's so much more fun when he's NOT there.

    other than that...

  3. hi golfer...long story, but  i'm ok. been off here for 7 or 8 months. let's see how long I last this time without annoying the shit out of somebody. 

    looks likr I came back just in time to get the benefit of another moron. they have to dump this kyle IMMEDIATELY'... toxic.

    he ruined a perfectly good evening. sound familiar?

    hope you're well.


  4. trying to stay out of trouble. but the minute I come back, we have another asshole. doesn't he remind you of the rockhead? I have lost all interest on .misty since she hooked up with him. maybe i'm a jinx to poor ana. someone has to tell him to just go home. hr's ruining a perfectly good evening.and he has absolutuerly no idea that he's such an annoying fool.

    other than that...

  5. 2 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Very nice,think Misty and nyusha make an good "team":biggrin:.

    a good team? are you serious? they could not get these two "boys" to respond in any way for over two hours before the lights went out. then misty had to do all the work. it took the other "boy" forever to do anything with myusha. the two women get credit for trying, but if what we saw tonight is praiseworthy and a team effort, then count me out. in fact, count me out of this apartment anyway. it's going nowhere because there are no "men" involved.

    let me know when this changes. i won't hold my breath.

  6. i think i'll answer my own question. the problem here is the same as rockhead at times and alan i n a crowd and these bozos and many others like them. THE FEMALES ARE WOMEN AND THE MALES ARE YOUNG BOYS. until some grownups enter the picture it will always be like this.

    what is wrong with these guys? nothing. they're just awkward 11 year olds.

    get some men in here and see what happens. but it's still a mystery and i still don't quite get it.

  7. 3 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Thats totally mean saying that

    i quite agree. at least he's into it, unlike that zombie who would rather be in the bathroom with rockhead than with misty and the other one who was all over him. and the women are appreciative of the effort rather than the snooze that some of these young guys are. hooray for effort!

    • Like 1
  8. just a thought...lisa may be ill, but i feel there is another problem. considering her obsessive compulsive problems, it must be killing her to have someone else living in her apartment and messing with her "stuff". i also feel she's sexually conflicted and hope she finds the right woman before it's too late.

    sometimes she has the saddest face.

    but then, what do i know...

  9. 3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

    misty got it on with the blond guy several times in the past. also he fucked nyusha yesterday. i don't know why he did nothing last night. misty really likes #29. i don't think he's too bad except that he couldn't stay hard & i don't know how long misty will wait until she finds # 31 (she already had # 30). and rockhead is still the biggest asshole on this site. he never should have been allowed to return imo.

    thanks golfer, that clears up some of this. i still don't understand why this blond guy would rather be in the bathroom with rockhead than on the couch with a half naked attractive woman. raises questions for me.

    as far as rockyboy is concerned, you and i are in complete agreement. he is the WORST EVER. he's like an evil virus which has contaminated an entire living environment. either he goes or they should shut down this apartment. he adds nothing and takes away a significant amount.

    other than that...go dodgers.

  10. is anybody watching this?

    i just checked back in time to see miss red bra change into pants and a top. immediately following that, rockhead went into the bathroom with the "3rd guy". as far as i know, they're still in there.

    i have to stop watching. every time i learn a little less.

    and by the way, #29 who is with misty is no prize package either.

    what's with these guys and why do the girls put up with it?

  11. i'm beginning to think that this is the only site that makes any sense. they are who they are and they behave rationally within that context. they are actually worth watching because it resembles reality.

    the rest of the people are behaving [or not behaving] as if they were in an alternate universe.

    maybe i haven't had enough candy corn.

    oh well, time for the world series.

  12. ok so i'm a little slow and need direction again.

    i've been checking this site about every half hour for four hours. we've gone through the decorations, the costumes, the makeup, the lighting, etc. it's now 1:30am.

    are they expecting someone? is this a dress rehearsal? am i missing something?

    will they ever get the happy birthday sign to stay up?

    thanks for any clarification.

    happy pumpkins.


  13. i checked on this place accidentally and what did i find?

    3 girls, scantily dressed, starting to dance up a storm - on the table, on the counter. etc. led by misty, very provocative.

    so what do the guys do? following rockhead, they all go into the bathroom TOGETHER and stay in there for over ten minutes. meanwhile the girls' dancing gets wilder by the minute but no one to dance them.

    am i seeing things?


    please explain. i have to go lie down. thank you.

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