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Posts posted by billycox

  1. ok........

    i've been away for 4 days.

     in all that time. no one has cared to mention what mira's condition may or may not be.

    no interest? no concern about her diminishing looks and behavior?

    all you want to see is "action" and you don't really give a damn about the fact that these may be real people with real feelings?

    it says a lot about what the technology has done to us and our values.

    i fully realize that these are people who populate these sites for commercial reasons.

    but they are still people.

    what is missing here?

    george orwell must be dancing in his grave.

  2. apparently, no one is actually concerned about mira. there's all this talk and hand wringing about her unsurpassed beauty and now that she seems to be in some kind of real physical and emotional predicament, the best you can come up with is genetically modified food?

    this looks to me like someone who is really suffering and her "fans" don't really give a shit.

    maybe i'm getting old.

    haven't learned yet how to be that indifferent.

    good night.

  3. what's the story with mira? she looks sickly, scrawny, undernourished and unhappy.

    she;s no longer the attractive woman she used to be.

    maybe the whole thing with henry - whatever that may be - has finally gotten to her.

    has she been ill?

    or maybe she's just sick of her whole situation.

    for her sake, i hope things turn around. i don't want to remember has as this passive stick figure,

    any thoughts?

    • Sad 1
  4. here's a thought.........

    the big goon is invited to sit between two attractive women.  one is practically naked.

    what does he do? he immediately covers himself up with a bedspread and sits there like a stuffed animal

    the other guy [henry] has the naked lady  put her leg over him.  what does he do?  he picks his nose and flicks it onto the floor.

    do we need to ask why this is no fun to watch?  there must be men available. 

    not here.


    • Haha 1
  5. ok. we're setting the odds here in vegas.

    what are the chances that ANYTHING will happen with these two couples tonight?

    will the young woman let henry touch her in any meaningful way?

    will mira let captain ahab come anywhere near her with that dangerour beard?

    will henry and mira discuss the futility of inviting this boring/bored couple again?

    guess the odds anf place your bets.





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