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Everything posted by billycox

  1. i go away for a few hours and what do i come back to? mira is back for more, she has a leash around her neck and is cuddled up on the couch with henry. is everybody crazy? is this the rwilight zone?
  2. it's a saturday night and henry seems to be spending it alone. all those prepared to shed a tear, please sign here.......
  3. wow. i miss all the good stuff. if mira comes back this time...
  4. i go away for a few days and i come back to...? have mira and the dog left again?
  5. when watching the automatic floor sweeper is the most interesting thing to see here, you know you have reached a new low.
  6. thank you. the more things change, the more they remain the same.
  7. whoa! i go away for a couple of weeks and come back to this? some questions: what precipated all of this? where did she go? is the little dog ok? who is sleeping on his couch? who is in bed with him? she appears to have red hair. is this the twilight zone?
  8. if that is the case, i quite agree. thanks. i really hadn't paid much attention to him before.
  9. i've seen him get plenty of the first two on your list, but none of the third. he seems uninterested. bring back henry.
  10. with mira and henry away, the guy watching the place has made it even more boring regardless of the room full of people it's like watching paint dry...
  11. where did henry get that haircut? prison?
  12. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  13. correct we shall see what happens with the girl in black leather pants.
  14. mira and henry are back visiting their old apartment. maybe somethimg interesting will happen. nothing is happening in the new one. that's for sure.
  15. that's exactly where they are. wow!
  16. looks like they are moving, anyone have any details?
  17. that makes sense. it would be hard to consistently raise that much money.
  18. so what's with all the packing boxes? are they moving? it would be an explanation for not caring about the christmas tree.. will they stay with the program or go full-time with chaturbate? both? the next couple of days might be fun to watch. or not. happy spring!
  19. sad. i was hoping they would decorate it in green for st. patrick's day. on the other hand, perhaps starlight is correct. it seems as if new life is blossoming elsewhere. we shaii see about the girl living there. why watch the soap operas on tv when this one is more interesting. i'll comtinue to tune in.
  20. mira is wearing christmas sox. don.t expect a change in the tree soon. after all, it's only march 6th.
  21. with the new haircut, henry looks like a prisoner of war. the girl with all the tattoos makes me very sad, something seriously wrong with her. the christmas tree is still up. a new month is coming.
  22. henry has brought a girl home from another party so that she could see the nice christmas tree he has put up 10 months early.
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