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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. No it can't trump is without parallel
  2. yadevol

    Tver - Split 5

    Aleksey gwtting ready for another go
  3. donald trump effect. He thinks he is brilliant but is in fact an arse
  4. yadevol

    Tver - Split 5

    something in the water is this number 6
  5. yadevol

    Tver - Split 5

    Mr Floppy is back Desperately sodmizing Sonja (or not)
  6. VV needs a better script writer
  7. Mr and Mrs Fixit left
  8. All this whining. That was probably the most spontaneous event in the last month!
  9. Either the booze or doing it on camera.
  10. no he could keep it up. he tried again and she stopped him, put her knickers on and went to sleep. Lasted 20 mins
  11. potato sack off again. She should practise!
  12. any one see what happened to the other guy
  13. Bella wins one. Shirt is off and potato sack is on
  14. Bella not so good at this down to her knickers
  15. and a wankothon in tula
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