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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. yadevol

    Sofia - Split 1

    No. The time zone is wrong for bulgaria. Bulgaria is on eastern european summer time which currently is the same time as moscow (russia doesn't have daylight saving). Sofia appartment (at least the cams in Bella's room are an hour behind moscow) or an hour ahead of great britain. Perhaps in Serbia?
  2. yadevol

    Sofia - Split 1

    Do we know where the sofia appartment is? The time zone is wrong for the city of sofia
  3. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    perhaps just a wank and a bj
  4. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    Ivo finally managed to sodomise sonya
  5. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    was looking elsewhere. I guess they just came
  6. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    massed wank. no body looks aroused
  7. yadevol

    Sofia - Split 1

    Isn't Alina Jackie's real name?
  8. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    free cam in vv free cam on bongacam who cares
  9. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    mr floppy is back
  10. And a very sore one too
  11. yadevol

    Sofia - Split 1

    any ideas about where the sofia apt is the times on the camera's are all over the place. Have to admire vv's chutzpah. Upping the price for the same set of people spread over more apts
  12. yadevol

    Tula - Split 1

    Meanwhile in tver
  13. yadevol

    Tula - Split 1

    Getting ready for round 3
  14. yadevol

    Tula - Split 1

    Did sonja and Ivo get up o anything when they got back last night/this morning? I only ask because it looks like the lube and the ball gag are on the living room sofa.
  15. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    ivo and sonja now
  16. Sonja and Igor did the same thing with the balcony last night.
  17. yadevol

    Tver - Split 4

    going for anal ?
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