I use this forum to express my views about what is going on in various apartments of VV and RLC. As a paying member of both sites, I like to express what I think about them. Sure enough, when I find an apartment boring, I say so. I voiced out my frustration when Lisa and Nick followed by Kent and Gerda decided to switch to hidden sex. And I am not shy to say that it was a big mistake by VV to recruit Kathia and Rustland, now known as Elly & Toss. We were trying to understand why, almost overnight, Kent and Gerda went from total nudity and open sex 3 to 4 times a day to hiding behind the shower curtain and full chastity. We were simply exchanging ideas. But for saying that, I was accused of being never happy with what I was seeing, to write totally unfunded speculations, to always criticize etc.
Of course it was speculations. A simple exchange of views on what happened.
To my knowledge, I have never insulted another user here. I did stop reading and commenting on most ot the RLC forum because for the most part, as soon as one disagree with someone, insults are flying right, left and center. Until recently, this forum on VV was still civilized. I was enjoying exchanging views with Jabbath, Amy, Clive and few others. And most of us are wishing that it would remain that way. If you come to this forum only to insult others because you disagree with what they wrote, I suggest that you don't come back.
This forum is about a voyeur site. If we are here, it's because we enjoy watching the private life of other people. And, for most of us, we prefer to watch when there is nudity and sexual activities. If you prefer watching them when they eat, sleep or fart, please raise your hand.
So instead of insulting others, lets talk about Lisa, the little nymphomaniac girl that begs her man to go anal every other day. Or, what about talking about Anna and Alex that are about to re-write the book on places and positions for sex. If that is not enough, feel free to pm me and I will suggest other topics to talk about
And, if you want to bitch about the fact that Elly & Toss limit their activities to sleep, eat and fart, then by all means, feel free to do so :)