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Everything posted by BenCoudon

  1. For sure there is a problem between those 2 While they were in Tula, as far as I can remember, Nick jurked of no more than once or twice (that we saw) And now, based on what I can see in the archives videos, he has jurked off 2 nights in a row plus the one last week when Lisa stopped him when he started to do anal. That is not a good sign. When I watched them earlier today, everything was sugar coated. He was giving her a massage in the jaccuzi and she was blowing him. Then it appears that 20 seconds later, she was mad again and he ended up sleeping on the sofa. Go figure. That woman's mood is like a roller coaster. She wouldn't last long with me
  2. but since she can't breath without his cock, she is jurking and sucking him now
  3. Even when he does nothing, her mood changes within minutes
  4. When the 2 couples (NICK-Lisa Kent-Gerda) were together in Tula, the interaction was great. They were not shy to be naked and have sex in the presence of the other couple. But Lisa screwed it up. Then, they need to moved 1 couple to Voro as the place was empty. That killed the fun. Too many people in one apartment could also kill the ambiance. When Petra came back at Tver, nothing happened for 2 weeks. Now that Tula will be empty, they will send either Rustland or Ivo there until replacement is found in September
  5. BenCoudon

    Sofia - Split 1

    Once the first 2 or 3 people would have looked, they would run on the internet to call it a rip-off and they would be right LOL so better not to even think about it :)
  6. BenCoudon

    Sofia - Split 1

    Are you saying that if I let people peeking in my window I can get paid for that? LOL
  7. BenCoudon

    Sofia - Split 1

    I prefer this type of sex versus the porn movies with pornstars and the fake orgasms Just a question of preferences
  8. BenCoudon

    Sofia - Split 1

    Call VV and go for an audition. They are looking for participants to fill up Tula, effective Wednesday LOL
  9. BenCoudon

    Sofia - Split 1

    I'm just pissed off that they used my money to provide free rent to Kent for the last 2 weeks :p My subscription expired yesterday. Wanted to wait a bit to renew but my beast drove me to click on the renew button :P
  10. BenCoudon

    Tula - Split 1

    She deserves a PH'd in Cock sucking :)
  11. BenCoudon

    Tula - Split 1

    Its sad that Gerda will leave but Kent seems to be a stuburn sonofabich dickhead. An other example that it takes more than a huge cock to have a successful life
  12. Not that I am aware of. Not sure what is going on in the apartment. They had several arguments last week. And now, Marco has been away for 4 or 5 days. Since he is gone, either the blonde guy or 2 other women are sleeping there along with Stesha. They sleep in the Guest room. To my knowledge, except for 1 time where they fucked on the couch, all other times were in the bed and she was naked. Would be interesting why she was wearing that outfit as Marco is not there
  13. Not sure where Lisa and Nick went for the last few days but both seems to be horny as hell Sex in sight. Hopefully they will not hide somewhere
  14. BenCoudon

    Tula - Split 1

    I posted it here as I know that several participants on both RLC and VV projects are reading posts on CC
  15. BenCoudon

    Tula - Split 1

    I've done that yesterday. The answer was that they were given a warning and if nothing changes, they wil be out of there by August 10
  16. BenCoudon

    Tula - Split 1

    MESSAGE FOR GERDA AND KENT You have been on this project for almost 2 months now. For the first 6 weeks,you were one of the most entertaining couple. You gave us our money's worth. However, almost overnight, the situation has changed. Us, the subscribers, we believe that is due to a contractual dispute between you and VV. If it is the case, there are ways to resolve those issues. Instead, you have decided to hide nudity and to stop all sex action in the apartment. And you been acting that way for 2 weeks now. Let me remind you something. This is us, the people paying for VV that are paying for all your benefits on this project. And none of the people paying are interested watching a guy that ignores his girl and other than eat and sleep, spends all day on a computer and a cell phone. You are insulting the paying members with your attitude. If you are no longer in agreement with the terms and conditions of VV, as a responsive person, you have only one choice: Get the hell out of there and go back to your previous life. Otherwise, if you have some respect for the people paying for your salary and apartment: Resume your normal life RIGHT NOW. СООБЩЕНИЕ ДЛЯ GERDA и Кента Теперь вы были на этом проекте в течение почти 2-х месяцев. В течение первых 6 недель, вы были одним из самых интересных пар. Вы дали нам ценность наших денег. Тем не менее, почти в одночасье, ситуация изменилась. Нас, абоненты, мы считаем, что из-за спора по договору между вами и VV. Если это так, то есть способы решения этих проблем. Вместо этого, вы решили скрыть наготу и прекратить все секс действий в квартире. И ты действовал таким образом в течение 2-х недель. Позвольте мне напомнить вам кое-что. Это мы, люди платят за VV, которые платят за все ваши преимущества по данному проекту. И никто из людей не платят заинтересованы смотреть парень, который игнорирует свою девушку и, кроме еды и сна, проводит весь день на компьютере и сотовый телефон. Вы оскорбляете Платёжный членов с вашим отношением. Если вы больше не согласны с условиями В.В., как отзывчивого человека, у вас есть только один выбор: Убирайтесь оттуда и вернуться к своей прежней жизни. В противном случае, если у вас есть некоторое уважение к людям платят за вашей зарплаты и квартиры: возобновить нормальную жизнь прямо сейчас.
  17. I'm sure it's not easy job to find the right people But here we are facing an other issue. Something happened between the 2 couples and VV. They are in the project since June. The first 6 weeks they were there, let me tell you, they gave us our money's worth. Both couples were fucking wide open 2 to 3 times per day. There was lots of interraction between the couples. Many will remember when all 4 were in the same bed, the girls gave the guys a helluva good sensual and erotic massage. Although they never switch girls (oh darn ) quite often we saw them fucking in the same room. Then, something happened. I would say overnight, Lisa started to hide. They did that for about 1 week. Then it almost came back to normal except for a couple of anal fucks. But as soon as they resumed showing, Kent and Gerda started. The difference here is that Lisa and Nick were still fucking but they were hiding. We could see their shadow fucking on the balcony or behind the shower curtain. For Gerda and Kent, they simply stop having sex. May be they do it outside once in a while but for the last 10 days, I have not noticed sex at all. So obviously, there is a dispute (probably about the contract) between the 2 couples and VV. It is very unfortunate because, in my opinion, Gerda is one of the best girl of all live cam sites, I have seen giving blow jobs. Fortunately, we have the archives video to remember those great scenes I am sure there are clauses in the contracts that VV must respect. You cannot terminate a contract without notice. Giving a written warning is standard legal stuff. As they already know that August 10 is the cut off date, its because they had to give them a warning and the contract must contain a specific number of days for them to either correct the situation or get the f... out of there
  18. Now concerning Petra's visitor tonight, I'm questionning the people that are doing the casting. Was it a blind date for Petra? Someone must have chosen that guy. If he was as bad as you guys are saying, the people that did set-up that visit are to blame. And all this because VV is stuck with empty apartments and they are trying to fill up the blanks. I always thought that Petra is more interested by women than by men. Setting up a male visitor with her was, at the outset, a mistake. Finally, I had some communications with support today. They said: 1. Lisa and Nick will be back around August 8 2. Concerning Gerda and Kent' sex strike on cam, support said that they received a warning and, if the situation doesn't improve, they will be released by August 10. 3. Bad news is they are saying that August is a bad month to recruit new participants and, mostlikly, we will have to wait until September to see new faces. So if Gerda-Kent are fired next week, we will probably see someone from Tver or Sophia to move in to Tula for a few weeks
  19. Guys, I have a favor to ask you. We all know that the RLC forums have become out of control. People are shooting names, insults are posted almost every minutes. The ignore list of users is growing everyday. Thus far, the VV forum has remained under control. And I'm sure that we all want to keep it that way. I did not see the Petra episode tonight so I can't comment on it. However, I don't think it is appropriate to use an abusive language. One may not like to see a guy jurking off. But VV subscribers includes women, bi and gay people. It is their right to like that stuff. the archives contains at least 50 videos of Alex jurking off. And I don't recall having seen any disrecpectfull comments. Same situation with the fact that some scenes are recorded. I agree that, to my taste, there is a lot of useless videos in the archives. But it is the privilege of every VV subscriber to click on the record button if they see something they may want to watch later. We are not here to judge people's taste. For example, last night, people clicked on the record button for over 2 1/2 hours for that "workout-dance| of the 3 women at Tver. I found nothing interesting in that sequence and I skipped most of it. But I am not here to argue with the people that kept clicking on that button. I will simply not download that video. Thanks for your understanding.
  20. BenCoudon

    Tula - Split 1

    Nope Kent was up till about 5h00 am last night. He woke up only to move his ass to the couch in the kitchen. Gerda tried to wake up the beast, to no avail. then she left. As usual, Kent was busy on his PC and cell phone. Looks like is running a business. Then they went to voro. Kent kept working and yelling on phone. Once he was done, they played a card game, ate and left. Not to mention quite a few drinks. They took much longer than normal to go from Voro to Tula. Upon arrival, Kent went to bed. By the time Gerda went to bed, he was already snoring. Not even a good night kiss. I guess they promised chastity from now-on till the wedding day :) Both of them used to sleep naked. Not any more. I guess this is part of re-building their virginity
  21. I just hope to see a 4 some with those 2 couples before they go LOL (Wishfull thinking, but hey, a guy can always dream)
  22. Here's an other example of Lisa's terrible character. Once Kent and Gerda left, they started the seduction game. Adding to this the submission role play, and everything was perfect. Lisa was obviously ready for an other anal session. (She had lots of them so no surprises). Then, in 5 seconds, for what ever reason ( I don't understand Russian) she got mad. Her mood changed to someone ready to kill. The smile was gone and she went to clean herself in the jaccuzy. Nick was not welcome when he entered the bathroom. He ended up going alone to the shower and then used his best hand in the living room watching porn. While he was masturbating, Lisa was crying alone in her bed. Tomorrow, she will be again chasing him all over the place and beg him to get inside her. Hard to figure out that woman.
  23. I must admit that I am totally confused. 2 days ago, Lisa was not showing anything. She went on the balcony to change to ensure that we couldn't see her naked. Today, they fucked like animals and not hiding anything. She laid in the jaccuzy totally naked for 15-20 minutes, allowing us to see her full body. On the other hand, now it is Gerda and Kent that hide on the balcony to have sex and don't get naked to sleep (as they always did). Rustland, who has acted like a virgin shy guy for the last week or so has fucked Kathia in the open light of the bedroom. Are they taking turn to show some protest? May be Lisa and Nick, who got lots of complains over the last 4 or 5 days, received a warning from management and are back to normal to avoid to be released? And, to continue the protest, Kent and Gerda are now acting like Lisa were doing? It appears that VV will not admit that there is a problem. The only tweets I have seen from them is that our remarks were forwarded to management. This is very confusing. But at least, 2 of the 3 apartments that seems to be on a sex strike are back to normal.
  24. Yes it is in the archive I didn't see it live, watched it from archives Currently page 3 From all 3 cams About 19 minutes
  25. first time in over 1 week, Nick and Lisa had sex in the bed and not covered. They were not naked but compared to what we saw recently, its a big change
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