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Everything posted by bolts91

  1. I've been around here for 3-4 years now and have never seen them before - were they here prior to that time frame or something?
  2. I haven't been on here for a while, but was curious to know who this Alex guy is and how he got so damn lucky? Any explanation there?
  3. Well, this problem went away for the past 2 weeks or so - but now is back. I can't afford to pay the $30US ($40 Canadian) a month for this service - very disappointed I can no longer use it for more than half an hour in a day. :-(
  4. Yeah, me too. I enjoyed the past couple of years and the additions they have made were great, even for the free cams. Can't justify paying for something like this right now, unfortunately. Unless their servers are extremely bogged down from high traffic, I don't really see the value in this. I was always under the impression that even free users were good traffic for "projects" like this.
  5. Seems as though they killed the refresh limit. Been on it for about 45 minutes total throughout the day today and am now getting that message, refreshing does nothing. Seems the days of free users on this site are all but done for. :-(
  6. Really the only way to get rid of it is to pay up or get rid of do a format. If you have backups, no problem. If not, you're screwed. A while back there was a tool released that can remove it SOMETIMES (it has a database of the encryption keys, but not all of them). See here: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2462280/cryptolocker-decrypted-researchers-reveal-website-that-frees-your-files-from-ransomware.html Good luck, it's a pain in the ass.
  7. You forgot that room with no cam, they spend a lot of time in there.
  8. Dammit.. Stripped naked, took the banana and laptop and went somewhere else. :-(
  9. At least Alma and even Isabel came out of their bedrooms...
  10. He wants an RLC site with English speaking tenants and our time zone(s), I think.
  11. Shut up and enjoy her beauty in the apartment.
  12. Well that right there could be an issue for their relationship... "Let's have sex" "Ugh, fine, but I have to put my make up on at the same time"
  13. Check out the "are they leaving" thread.. We've all been talking about this for a while in there!
  14. You mean you don't like starring at boxes stacked almost to the ceiling?
  15. Probably stumbled on one of his trips from bedroom to kitchen and whacked it off one of the 20 boxes.
  16. You nailed it. I didn't know it was possible to spend soo much of your time in one bedroom.. It's a wonder they don't have bed sores!
  17. Kitchen Cam #1 still shows on the map as being green, which makes me think it's only temporary.
  18. What exactly do you expect when you start a topic with nothing worth discussing?
  19. The first kitchen cam is now gone completely off the list.
  20. At least you guys are seeing some movement in this apartment. All I see is an unorganized disaster of stuff everywhere. Couldn't use that living room if you wanted to!!
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