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Everything posted by bolts91

  1. This might be enough for me to finally do so..
  2. Does anyone else find it odd how no one in these apartments has shower curtains? I would think water would get plastered everywhere...
  3. how can you tell with all those pubes? looks kinda nasty to me.
  4. I've been using imgur.com to host mine and none of them have ever gotten removed.
  5. At least you occasionally SEE Sofia & Roman, these people might as well not even live here. I understand that they're supposed to live their everyday lives in these apartments just as you would without the cameras, so maybe they are just a really busy couple. That said, why would RLC allow them to move in? Hell, they don't even have a dog or cat to watch run around.
  6. Sorry for the extremely delayed response, but I use VirtualBox by Oracle.
  7. They seem to spend 95% of the time in the bedroom/bathroom area. The other 5% of that is spent cooking in the kitchen, which they then take back to their room. Very strange. I don't think I've seen either of them eat at the table in the dining room or lounge on the couch watching TV.
  8. Could be that Aero is not available. I hadn't thought of that.
  9. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  10. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  11. I put it in a virtual machine. While it's a certain improvement over Windows 8, I still do not like the cartoon-ish feel and tiles everywhere look. Getting closer to my beloved Windows 7, but still not quite there in my opinion.
  12. Buy a premium membership on RLC, you get it included.. Or just open multiple windows on the same screen.
  13. I think it depends what time zone you live in. If you live within an area that they do, then it could be worth it because you'd have the opportunity to see them the most. Where I live, I only get to see L&P, A&A and M&S for a few hours each day. I'm 12 hours behind them.
  14. This couple is extremely boring. At least we saw Isabel and Marcelo, these guys are never home and when they are, they don't do anything.
  15. Well that theory would certainly explain how Paul managed to land a bombshell like Leora!
  16. For a couple whose recently moved in, i don't see anything around.. except for the kitchen that's over flowing with dishes.
  17. yeah it's definitely busted at the moment.
  18. I've barely seen them, so I didn't have any pictures to post yet. :-(
  19. That was the most entertainment RLC has seen in quite some time! ;D
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