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Everything posted by hampelo

  1. The only content they can get removed is from posters using a third party upload site. There is a couple third party sites that's not within RLC's reach. In Canada, we can download, upload and share copyrighted material just as long as it's not done for profit. I think i will move to Canada. ;) it is very nice here.
  2. wow. after a comment like yours, you still expect to be treated well?
  3. I know what you mean. They have been here nearly a whole day and we haven't seen them running around naked, having a threesome lesbian session, or even masturbating yet. Doesn't look good does it. who cares about these girls.... take one away ... add one.... plug and don't play
  4. 10 years... 9.5 with good behavior... nobody has good behavior
  5. Have you ever met a person who is smart but has to constantly tell people how smart he is? Not really. Smart is obvious like the squirrel and our moderators. One of the more frustrating things in life is having to listen to a moron try and convince you how smart he is. Thanks to our moderators for at least trying to relieve us of this burden.
  6. Right on topic as usual. Keep in mind folks, he has self declared as ENTERTAINING so I guess that makes stupid OK?
  7. Sooo why are you on here then ChoDevant? I will never understand why you guys always complain about a useless thread but yet you still check in every two seconds to see what I'm gonna say next lol,I guess I should just say.. thank you? i'm sorry... why has this person not been banned? Because I am more interesting to watch than you are,plus banning me would be irrelevant at this point because I could always come back and say anything I want if even for one day, and then be gone back to watching all you guys from the sidelines. I'm sorry hampelo :'( I certainly get why you are sorry..... you should be. BTW, being one of the idiots who ends every sentence with lol it is not very surprising that you THINK you are entertaining. Keep in mind, thinking is DEFINITELY not your strong suit.
  8. Sooo why are you on here then ChoDevant? I will never understand why you guys always complain about a useless thread but yet you still check in every two seconds to see what I'm gonna say next lol,I guess I should just say.. thank you? i'm sorry... why has this person not been banned?
  9. I just read this post and wondered about how true this is. It think Ibiza is about an 8 or 9 hour ferry ride from Barcelona. I get going there for a weekend but 9 hours one way is not a "short hop on a boat" to go party every day. have you ever noticed that people who lie in blogs use a lot of LOL. it used to mean laugh out loud. it now seems to mean I think you are stupid.
  10. i think its the constant begging.... its like crowdsourcing for videos ...
  11. Not sure I buy that exchanging one "cookie cutter" boring girl for another makes the apartment new. :D :D :D
  12. Interesting but not complete. If one wishes to talk about some airy fairy idea that no one cares about, speak German. if one wishes to COMMUNICATE a thought that has value, use English :)
  13. This is very true. RLC does not say "don't take a picture and post it to CC", they say "don't take a picture". show them you take pictures or videos and bye-bye. it is the one small area of consistency that RLC has ;D
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