Thank's but do u realise time to load each file for a non subscriber ! 4,5 hours... 9hrs for loading twice and 3hrs more between... Unreasonable
boss13 posts nothing but old crap. he thinks we are all stupid and in many cases he is being proven right. time to smarten up people. he is making money off your gullibility.
This video was already available on Sept 17, why again?
Because it drives traffic to UL.
boss13 posts nothing but old crap. he thinks we are all stupid and in many cases he is being proven right. time to smarten up people. he is making money off your gullibility.
Either I have seen this video months ago or they act in the same way they did then - they usually have the same coreography almost every time.
boss13 posts nothing but old crap. he thinks we are all stupid and in many cases he is being proven right. time to smarten up people. he is making money off your gullibility.
boss13 posts nothing but old crap. he thinks we are all stupid and in many cases he is being proven right. time to smarten up people. he is making money off your gullibility.
looks like a hole in the wall where a camera used to be..... funny, never noticed it before tho' it seems quite obvious now.
i took a look at some old vids.... the camera or angle has changed recently... we could not see that spot on the wall before.
that house had other tenants before L&P. if i remember correctly, one of the girls looked a bit like Leora. i think the couple was maria&john. not sure if that helps.
Thanks for the video - a sensuel girl, though not perhaps the best looking pussy in the world, I like smaller ones. I wonder how the girl could last such a massage for over 28 minutes - in my experience, less than 10 minutes of such intent touching leads to a truly happy end. Maybe she had been given mild local anesthesia?
Best looking pussy and should have cum in less than ten minutes?
now this is a great post! real proven content worth downloading .....
Just to download those 3 video clips would take 6 hours for something that totals no more 20 minutes.
perhaps longer with the 3 hour wait between clips. at least you don't wait 6 hours for something you already downloaded last year.
this is what i was talking about on the post under the alina&anton videos. this person is simply sending you to another website for presumably some personal gain.
Recycled Old Videos from when they first moved into the new apartment.
I have been watching for a while and have come to the conclusion that this site is rife with unscrupulous people who, by directing you to one of many pay download sites, make money from the unsuspecting members of this forum.
I see people consistently recycling old material with non-committal phrases such as "Maya - hot!". they don't ever suggest it is something new nor do they provide thumbnails to indicate what they are providing, they allow the pigeons to assume it is not something they paid another site to download a year ago.
The savvy members of this forum can distinguish themselves by only downloading when some proof of content is provided. its your choice folks but i can assure you that joining all the variant download sites presented on this forum would cost a fortune and only net you repeated recycled videos.
That's from a year ago.
Nothing original.
Yes --it's not original, because everybody plasters this image all over CC. But NO-- that image is from this year. A year ago, we wouldn't get the "Error: Image Not Available" icon, we'd get a photo. Posts to these third parties have a shorter life-span than even Photobucket posts... :(
VERY good point. Why does anyone post anything to It could not possibly be more useless!
seriously, i would not worry about not seeing this apartment and i would not pay more for it. it looks like they do not live there! they simply use it for a drop in party place for them and their friends, then they leave. saw one VERY unispired sex romp between them the one time they were in the apartment over night.
these two seem as close as a brother and sister who genuinely dislike each other. to get from where they have beed the last couple of weeks to a sexy relationship seems unlikely at best.