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Everything posted by hampelo

  1. just out of curiosity, when I leave my house, is that because of Nora and Kiko too ;D ;D
  2. What are you talking about? They are married. more 40 IQ speculation.
  3. I fully agree, whats up with that? nora turns into bitch mode and then the girls decide they have to move out! they cant be themselves when kiko the vibe killer is around! no one wants to see this assclown! Yes, she´s like a vampire, she sucks the life right out of them. wow. usually i like speculation... it makes things interesting.... but this.... come on..... this is based on CONSIDERABLY less than nothing. all girls but Nora only stay about a month. seriously, this is because she manages to offend them all in exactly 30 days!! lets try and use at least grade school logic......... or to para-quote the old joke "when you cut the fourth leg of the frog, the reason it cannot jump is NOT because it went deaf!!"
  4. Not to many are into the male/male syndrome. let's go for absolutely none :P :P not a fan of the lesbians either... one always looks like a particularly ugly guy with boobs.
  5. i suppose it is possible when girls come and go so frequently, they could return some day. BTW, this has been like a striptease from the 30's. she seems to have gotten people more exited by not showing all.
  6. me too. and all women ask of me so far is to keep going :)
  7. I'll go for "please don't show them to me". another veronica. more importantly... room shift to premium?
  8. maybe because it was on the weekend? not monitored sat-sun?
  9. TBee GBee y'all are starting to sound a bit old :)
  10. If you mean the blonde and her boyfriend of a couple of weeks ago, then please god make it so!
  11. Know they have broken up.... no. call it an educated guess. when I was moving with someone I had not broken up with, we packed and moved together. When I moved after breaking up with someone, we assigned different times in the apartment to move. They just used the latter. Also, not much sex lately and lots of fighting. No closeness and little warmth. Lots of hints here about their future status.
  12. i don't think he is gone yet because the bass is still there. they probably decided to give each other separate times to move. i have done the same thing. their time at rlc is done and their time together is done.
  13. yep that's possible. they have changed apartments before and their current one is pretty old and tired by rlc standards today.
  14. anyone know why hung7 got banned? haven't noticed anything particularly offensive from him.
  15. seriously! which sites. the only other ones i have heard of suck!!!
  16. The only content they can get removed is from posters using a third party upload site. There is a couple third party sites that's not within RLC's reach. In Canada, we can download, upload and share copyrighted material just as long as it's not done for profit. I think i will move to Canada. ;) it is very nice here.
  17. wow. after a comment like yours, you still expect to be treated well?
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