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Everything posted by Calang

  1. Type of light bulb maybe? Mark & Lina's bathroom is the same, gives everybody purple hair. See Hot Rod 22? I'm not the only one "in-taking substances," ... Lol ;p
  2. Earlier today, while Alma was slaving, cleaning the house, she asked Stefan to help her move something. He was sitting at the computer and told her that, "he was busy and couldn't help her right now." He's a dick.
  3. Shhhhh, you're gonna get us both in trouble, lmao ;p
  4. Alina and Anton's furniture bugs me out, lol. During the day it's brown, and at night it's purple. The colors man ... The colors, lol ;p
  5. Peek-A-Boo, lol Alma has such a sweet ass, I'd leave permanent teeth marks in that mutha, hehe 😜 (Attachment Purged)
  6. Just now, Alma and Stefan were on the couch watching TV, she was practically throwing her pussy in his face, then she laid on him and started massaging his cock through his shorts. Stefan got up and went to the computer, and she yelled at him "how could you leave me alone, don't you see I want you?" So, she got pissed and went to the bedroom and closed the door. Stefan just won the "Biggest Asshole of the Day" award.
  7. Yes, Hot Rod 22! And the bon-bons, lmao! ;p
  8. I sadly agree JoJo. Such a waste, lol.
  9. All I can say is, that in that clip, Mark is exactly where I want to be, lol ;p
  10. "What goes around comes around." Someone's going to do the same to Diana but worse. Not only will she be cheated on but that person will also make off with her stash of Twinkies, Ring Dings, and Yodels, lol ;p
  11. Why always the chunky ones gotta be a slut? Lol. I was looking at their pics and Alba is mad pretty. I think Diana let all those DQ sundaes go to her head ... Dumb.
  12. You hit the nail right on the head bud. They have no humor, thus not exciting. They look sad almost. I heard them talking about finances though, and she mentioned that he's just "making enough for himself and nothing for her." Incidentally, financial problems are the number one reason that people break up. Maybe she should get a part time or something. As a matter of fact I got just the job for her, hehehe ;D
  13. You would say something like that Lez, lol :P
  14. I banged both heads. Get it? BOTH heads. You don't have to push, I was just leaving, lol :P
  15. I think maybe she is but not him! :( I thought the same thing Lez, hehe, ;)
  16. Alma in the kitchen, my my my 😉 (Attachment Purged)
  17. I don't know any porn stars that would just live together, and put up with each others shit, when they could be starring in films and making good money. They seem like just a normal couple to me, and that's probably why you're not that interested in them. It's simply a matter of taste. Some people, like NoraLover for instance lol, are crazy about Nora. Nora's pretty yes, but because of her reputed lack of personal hygiene, and her apparent laziness in the kitchen, she turns me off. It's all about what you like and what interests you. I'm ok with Harvey and Ariel. I don't watch them all the time, unless they're fucking lol, because Ariel is always wearing dresses or long shorts around the house and in a sense lacks a bit of sexiness, but that's ok. If their sex seems mediocre it's because they're just a normal couple. Many people don't want normal, they want exciting. Me? I'll take whatever I can get, lol ;p
  18. My baby Lora, assuming the position, lol ;p
  19. Immature Stefan is doing this ... (Attachment Purged)
  20. While Alma is doing this ... (Attachment Purged)
  21. As they very well should be. Hell, if I'm paying good, hard earned, money to see someone's ass, I should see their ass. Hiding from the camera, intentionally, to avoid being seen by viewers, should be reason enough for eviction. I'm certain there's some sort of contract they sign into, and if so they should comply with it. I've heard where Stefan has been turning off the camera, or light, or whatever, and that should be enough for the producers to at least give him a warning. Incidentally, the girls were, until recently, more scantily clad. Now they're wearing jeans, sweaters, dresses, etc. I can look out my window and see that for free! The guys are being more revealing than the women in my opinion. Who wants to see that? (No offense to anyone who does, lol).
  22. Incidentally, JoJo, I was watching them a couple of nights ago, and it looked like she cooked something that Harvey didn't seem to like. From my perspective he was apparently forcing it down and you could tell by his actions. When she asked him "how was it?" He smiled at her and told her it was good, and continued eating like he was chewing glass, lol. He was willing to sacrifice his taste buds, lol, rather than hurt her feelings. That spells L-O-V-E to me.
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